My daughter has to have at all times!
My daughter could sit and play with this four hours! The bright lights definitely catch/keeps her attention. It comes in handy while in the car, and she’s fussy. Instantly soothes her
One of the only baby toys I will replace batteries for
I got this for my son for his first Christmas. He barely played with any toys at the time but this was a game changer. This toy is not annoying to me like most baby toys. It sings songs and dances, but rarely repeats itself and has fun games and interactive features, such as one which you speak when it turns red and it says back what you said in song and dance. My son was only 8 months and started to stand and dance to this thing. He danced for the first time ever to the beatbo! I will always love beatbo! It’s the only toy I will replace the batteries as soon as they die! They last long, too!
Beat Bo was recommended to me by a friend, and he certainly does not disappoint. It is entertaining not only to babies, but children of other ages. It has kept my older children more entertained than the younger ones. They love that you can say something and BeatBo repeats it back with music thrown in. The lights and other sounds keeps younger children entertained as it attracts their attention quite easily. He seems to be pretty sturdy and has stood up to being thrown across the room by a 4 year old. Definitely worth the value in my eyes.
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