I have the green and black version of this booster seat. I find it safer than the conventional no back boosters. I like how there is an opening to feed the shoulder strap through. They are pretty reasonably priced as well. It's a great seat to use if you have several cars because there's fairly no install required.
My daughter loves this seat and I love that it was affordable and yet still provides the benefit of a high back booster seat. The cup holders are awesome and it is light enough to move easily from vehicle to vehicle. We have always trusted the Graco brand. We most likely will buy the same booster for our second and third children.
Smaller in width than most of the boosters we came across which is fabulous! And sooo light! My daughter loves it. The 2 cup holders are incredibly handy and perfect for her. She loves that they slide in and out and she can 'hide' small things in them as well as use them for drinks and/or snacks.
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