These handbags are very stylish and can be easily taken with any outfit without and contradiction to your outfit.
I love Guess handbags! They are stlylish and fun. They are of excellent quality and workmanship. The best time to buy is at outlet malls where you can purchase make for half price or better. In Canada they are about $100.
The bags are good quality for the price, they're also very big and roomy and can carry just about anything without being too stuffed. It's perfect for carrying books and lugging around to school but some of the bags can be a little too big, and a lot of girls have guess handbags as well, so while they're nice, I don't really want 10 other people on the street using the same handbag as I.
I love Guess purses. I have 4 of them. Three are quite big with lots of room and I have a small one that is just perfect when I don't want to carry a lot of items. Guess is a very good quality brand and they can really take wear and tear.The hardware can get kind of heavy, but the hardware(buckles) are the best part of any Guess purse. I think every woman should treat herself to at least one quality purse!
A great find for my teenage daughter. She loves the purse and it is able to fit all her lip balms!!! She is a young girl and this purse suits her! It was well made and has stood the test of time!!!!
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