Perfect storage, nice size
My son received this storage case for Christmas last year. He loves placing his hot wheels cars into this case. It has many different spaces for different size vehicles. Great for transporting multiple vehicles. Good gift for a hot wheels collector!
Our oldest grandson loves this Hot Wheels Carry Case. It is so handy to keep those little cars contained in one place and he can carry it with him when he's on the go. He has several of these and they are very durable and sturdy.
My nephew loves this product. He carries it all over the house with him. I like how it teaches him to clean up after himself and how everything has a place. This product definitely keeps the house cleaner. If you have ever stepped on a hot wheel car before you'll be thankful for kids putting them away.
I can remember my Nephew Tyler when he was around 6 years old carrying around his #HotWheels - 48 Car Vehicle Carry Case proudly and opening it and showing me all of his different colors and styles of #HotWheels cars and trucks he has collected. this is a must have for a little boy who loves to collects cars. Would also make a great gift with a couple of #HotWheels cars to get him started.
A must for all your son's car collection. You can tuck in so many cars and it closes tightly and stays closed.
These reviews are the subjective opinions of ChickAdvisor members and not of ChickAdvisor Inc.