I buy these for my potty training daughter. I love that they have Velcro sides incase you need to remove like a regular diaper! My daughter loves the designs with her favourite characters, it definitely helps with the potty training process.
Huggies pull-ups learning designs are overall a great product. My daughter loves the characters on them. The only downfall is the "learning design" part that's supposed to fade when wet. My daughter never actually looked at it to see if it faded. I found the cool-alert pull-ups more effective because she felt the coldness and knew she had peed.
We stuck with Pampers for diapers, as we found they didn't leak as much. The Huggies pull-ups were much better though. I especially liked that you could open and re-close the side panels. I found it very annoying that they were so gendered. We used both genders without issue; there is little reason to categorize them.
Easy to use with velcros on the sides. Quite good absorbency. My kid is 2yrs old but we went for 3-4size as i find them to be quite snug.
These are SO AWESOME ! My daughter loves these. She loves the designs. While potty training she often asked for her "big Girl Panties" I was impressed with the easy of getting them on and off of her. They are so absorbent. Much more that the cheaper brands.
I never used huggie diapers, but have always been a fan of pull ups.. easy to remove, fun pics, holds a lot, easy to pull up and down. Great price,
My daughter loved the princess and Minnie Mouse designs. They truly helped her leant how to use the potty!
My 2 years old daughter is starting the potty training process and it's been hard.
This product is the second we've tried and we did like it.
I'd say the training pants were better than the last ones we had because they could absorb more than the other brand we had try. We will probably keep going with this brand for awhile.
My daughter did appreciate the designs on them. They were princess themed and she likes to look at the characters on the front of her "panties".
These reviews are the subjective opinions of ChickAdvisor members and not of ChickAdvisor Inc.