I have been using a 6% solution to whiten my teeth for a week now and I am seeing dramatic results. I apply after brushing my teeth with a cotton bud and then brush again without applying in the evening.
Multi usages
Oui, le peroxide d'hydrogène est un des produits que vous devez avoir dans votre pharmacies. Bien qu'à la base il désinfecte des coupures et des égratignures mineures, je m'en sert parfois sur des boutons et c'est très efficace (bien que sûrement pas conseillé, on y va avec modération). Récemment, j'ai trouvé une recette DIY d'eau de javel à faire soi-même à partir de ce peroxyde, beaucoup moins nocif que l'eau de javel en soi. Pour ce faire, il faut:
4 cuillères à soupe de jus de citron
2 tasses de peroxyde d’hydrogène à 3 %
2 tasses d’eau
10 gouttes d’huile essentielle de votre choix (pamplemousse, lavande, arbre à thé, orange, etc.
Il suffit de mélanger tous les ingrédients et de conserver le liquide dans un contenant hermétique en attendant de vous en servir.
I always buy the no name, generic Hydrogen Peroxide. Its the exact same as the brand names. Its great for small cuts and you can even clean out your ears with it and whiten your teeth.
I always have a few bottles of hydrogen peroxide in my medicine cabinet. I pick up a three pack at Costco for a great price. I use this stuff for cuts and scraps or on infected bug bites. I also mix it up in my toothpaste to brighten up my smile.
Hydrogen peroxide will always be our household staple product for medical purposes. This is great for minor cuts and burns. I find them very affordable for the good it does to our health.
i always have one of these in my medicine cabinet. It is a very versatile product that can be used for so many things its crazy. From teeth whitening to cleaning product. you cant go wrong having this around you house,
I always have a bottle of this stuff in the medicine cabinet on hand for when I need to use it sometimes my ears will get dry skin and get irritated from me scratching them I apply Peroxide on them and in about 3 to 4 days my ears are all better I always find this stuff at a great price
Excellent product! Has so many uses, is budget friendly and lasts a long time. I always have a bottle or two at home, just never know when you might need it.
works great on cuts and scrapes to clean them and kill bacteria... i also use this mixed with baking soda and a lil dawn for old and stubborn stains !!
This is one product I always have in the house it's great to clean any kind of cut or infection,it does sometimes sting,but its a great product
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