I received this in the black brown color and it's a really nice looking bag. It's very shiny (hence why the lighting isn't as nice in the pictures) and patent with a snakeskin style design.
This bag comes with the option to leave the end of the zipper portion out against the metal rings, or tuck them in out of sight. In my opinion, it looks better with them tucked in, but it does make it more annoying to unzip that way, so it just depends on your preference.
It has a lot of sections inside and one zipped up section on the back, which is perfect for those who carry a lot in their handbags and need a way to organise it. It's also surprisingly roomy, despite looking smaller on the outside. I love this in the Black/Brown color as I feel it gives it a nice sleek, classic look which is perfect for daily wear.
It also has the option to attach a long strap for carrying, but doesn't look awkward without. Great all round bag with bright colors for summer or darker options for daily/winter and fall wear.
+ Lots of room/segments inside.
+ Zipper moves smoothly.
+ Option long strap.
+ Extremely patent and shiny, very stylish.
- None!
Note: I received this product at a discounted rate in exchange for an unbiased, honest review as provided here. As a consumer advocate, I believe in providing quality and honest feedback and receiving a product at a discounted rate will never affect my opinions.
These reviews are the subjective opinions of ChickAdvisor members and not of ChickAdvisor Inc.