Kiki's Delivery Service is an animated film directed by acclaimed Japanese filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli. It was released in Japan in 1989, and Disney acquired the rights to dub it in English and release it to North American audiences in 1998. Although the film's script is written by Miyazaki-san, it is based on the novel by Eiko Kadono.
The film centres around a young witch named Kiki, and her familiar, a black cat named Jiji. It's tradition for young witches to leave for another town to further their training, so she sets down in a seaside town where she begins a delivery service.
I first saw this film when I was just a kid, and even though I'm well into my twenties now, it is still a treasured part of my film collection. It's suitable for all ages, but it's incredibly charming and a film which I still get value and enjoyment out of watching, even now. The Studio Ghibli art style is always beautiful, and it truly trandscends time and genres.
The film is rated G and has a running time of 102 minutes. If you're a fan of anime and/or Studio Ghibli, or if you have children, this is a perfect film to add to your collection.
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