Gift to my toddler
Pretty cool little bike; my little received as a gift for 1st birthday. I like that I have control of the bike at first, to help steer and guide the direction. You can move the handle up or down based on your height/comfortability. You can remove the steering guide when your child has pedaling figured out. Works good even as a "stroller" if you're going for a walk and your little one doesn't know how to ride yet. Has a small container beneath the bike to carry a small bag or snacks. Also comes with a holder at the top of handle for a cup, maybe your keys and/or phones.
One of the things my son loves the most.
• We made our second summer with this tricycle.
• When I moved I took it apart, I shouldn't have because when I put it back together, my son can't go on alone, it doesn't matter he is only two years old I will check the problem. next year but we agree that it's my fault.
• I find that the sunscreen is useless for nothing. For the little ones it's good but we get along that young young people are in a stroller.
• The small storage I removed its fairly quickly because something heavy was falling. And it was cumbersome just like the sun part.
• I find it much more practical than a stroller, especially in the metro.
• Very easy to assemble but take the step too quickly you could make mistakes like my second time.
• The tricycle has not discolored but it would not say as much as the sun shield.
• No need to worry about it if it gets wet as it is all made of plastic.
• Lasts a long time because I have been using it for 2 summer and since it is 3 in 1 it turns into a tricycle without the bar.
• Compared to the stroller, it can interact with the environment a lot more, so that's great.
• A well invested $ 100.
Amazing trike!
I would totally buy this item again! Both of my children love it. I really like that it grows with the kids! Great deal for the money. Being able to use it as a stroller as well as a bike is perfect! A must buy for little ones!
Très déçu de cet achat, j'ai demandé à mes parents d'acheter pour les petits et ça duré un été.... je l'ai jeté aux vidanges après un été!!! ça pédalait dans le vide, dès que le petit à atteint les pédales, il n'avançait pas (déception pour lui qui voulait apprendre le vélo). Ensuite le bras qui tient pour le parent, ne se contrôlait plus. Donc je ne pouvais plus tourner les coins de rue... mega déception surtout pour le prix et la notoriété de la marque
I was hesitant to buy it at first because my son was only 16 months at that time. However i do not regret. All the family loves to use it. Super easy to push and steer. My son prefers it to the stroller! Great buy even though it's a buit expensive.
i got this bike second hand and i absolutly love it. i love how it grows with the child. The storage container in the back is a big plus. The only downside is the seat should be able to be moved forward and backwards more
The Little Tikes 3 in 1 Trike is a great idea and there is a lot of good about it, but for me it fails. There is a bar that holds a younger child in and a seat belt, which are great, but the foot rests for the younger child are completely in the wrong place. They are too far back. They should have been in front of the seat instead of underneath it. Therefore my son has to have his feet dangling, and they even hit the ground and wrecked his shoes because he had no where to keep them since the pedals are too far forward. The bike can be steered by the parents very easily, with one hand which is also a great feature. Later it can be switched into a tricycle, though I will not be keeping it long enough to see how well it works as a tricycle. The wheels say they are quiet, but they are VERY noisy. I felt like everyone was looking at me as I pushed my son noisily down the sidewalk. I do not recommend this bike. I am hoping other brands are much better. Another huge minus for this bike is that it is only a year old and has gone from dark red to a pink, so it now looks like a girls bike instead of a boys bike. The plastic and colouring in the plastic is obviously not good, as other products can withstand a lot more sun without becoming so faded.
I was very unimpressed with this product! I bought it for my 10 month old son and to put it all together was alot of work ... then the first time we used it, the whole back and :security bar " fell off and my son almost fell and hit his head on the ground! The harness that keeps them strapped in, doesnt fit right and slips off, and the bike is very easy to tip... i was very disappinted in Little Tikes this time around as i have always gotten quality preducts....
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