Our 2nd grandson got this from Santa. He absolutely loves it and it is very sturdy. It's a great price and has held up well since he rides it almost daily.
My youngest daughter received this for her first birthday. She is over two years old now, and I don't think there is a day that goes by she doesn't play with it. It's definitely one of those toys that will keep their interest long after all the other little electronic toys get thrown to the bottom of the toybox.
The only mistake I made was getting one car when I have two little girls. They fight over it like crazy. It's definitely worth the investment to get one for each of your kids for how much use they'll get out of them.
This sporty little car is fun and sturdy. It has stood the test of time and still runs smoothly after three kids! In fact, my nephew is eagerly awaiting the day we pass this on!
In addition to be fun, this car also aid in development by encouraging receptive and expressive language skills as children follow directions, express wants and needs, and engage in pretend or cooperative play.
A must-have!
These reviews are the subjective opinions of ChickAdvisor members and not of ChickAdvisor Inc.