I hate diaper bags. I have bought so many that feel cheap even though they cost me a fortune. This one is different though! It is BEAUTIFUL and functional. I get so many compliments on this bag it's crazy. The bag is made from wipeable Vegan leather (whatever that means) and has a cute striped interior. It has 8 pockets and can hold enough stuff for my 4 year old my 7 month old and myself. It even has an ipad pocket. It also comes with a change pad (that I haven't used) a shoulder strap (that I haven't used) and stroller attachments that I use all the time! They best part ever is that it only cost me $85 USD!! I have paid double for diaper bags and returned them because they just weren't functional. This company has the cutest products and it makes me want to order everything they have. I honestly think I am going to use this bag way after my youngest is done with diapers.
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