I love my speedy, I love the quality and how many items it holds but it never looks bulky. It is a higher price for a bag but definitely worth it because you will never get sick of it and it is something that will always stay in style.
Louis Vuitton Handbags are classic bags that never go out of style. I no longer have the first one I ever received because I was able to pass it down to my daughter along with a few others after manyy many years of use. These bags are very well constructed and made out of quality materials.
I have been saving up for this bag for 5 years and I finally bought it about a year ago. Since Audrey Hepburn made it a classic, I have always admired it's timeless look.
It holds all my belongings with ease and and I can fit my entire arm into the bag from top to bottom! Haha.
It is definitely worth saving up for. Such a great investment! No regrets!
A classic piece. Comes in great sizes with tons of room. Very light by itself (some bags I've been looking at lately are very heavy even when empty) and something that's going to last you a while, although the leather darkens over time, which I know some people like.
This is a must have staple for any fashionista. While the speedy is a bit on the expensive side, it is an investment piece that is well worth it. Versatile and never out of fashion, I highly recommend it.
This bag is a classic. It will never go out of style and it is so roomy I can even fit a hoodie in it with all of my other stuff. The colour of the leather looks kind of weird when it's brand new 'cause it's very light...will look better as it ages and darkens though. If you decide to get one, I would seriously recommend getting the 30 because it's the perfect size for everyday use. The 25 is too small and the others are too big (more like luggage).
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