I have always wanted a Louis Vuitton handbag, but I wasn't enticed by a new bag. I've always wanted a vintage one, mostly because of the patina that occurs on the vechetta leather. I love how dark it gets. Also, a vintage LV is a much easier price point to achieve than a new one. And I would rather have a real, vintage LV, than carry one of the millions of knock-offs that can be seen on a daily basis.
At first I was going to get a Speedy 25 or 30, but then I realized that I don't like top handle bags and it would be a pain to carry. I really like cross body bags. And that's when I found the Marly. It's a cute little cross body that's great for casual styles of dressing. It works with any color outfit and looks great. It's also not a bag that is seen very often, so you stand out in a sea of knock-off LVs.
Love my LV!
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