I like the designs, style, functionality and quality of their bags and purses. I have a few for so long that I am waiting for them to wear out so I can get more!
Great purse! They have such a wide variety of colors and designs! I love how they feel. They aren't that good of quality unfortanately! They don't last very long. The material seems too not hold up as well as other brands. So for the price I probably wouldn't recommend it.
The Matt & Nat handbags and wallets are a very good brand. I got my bags at an outlet last year at discounted prices. Their products are made of vegan material and they look and feel like real leather. There is enough room in their handbags to fit a lot of stuff, it's amazing! They also have a nice selection of styles and shapes. In addition, they also have a series of work related handbags made to carry documents, notebooks, etc... The straps are comfortable and they have enough pockets either inside or out for you to store a few items like your cell phone, keys, makeup, etc... Their wallets are also good. You can fit a lot of cards and there is enough room for your change and dollar bills. What I don't like about their products is that they do tend to scratch or discolor easily. One of the purses actually stained my white shirt after it had rubbed against it after a day of shopping. The wallet can also become a little discolored and it did get a few minor scratch marks after being in my purse with other items inside as well. There is a disclaimer when you buy the product stating that this discoloration process is normal and part of the beauty of the bag. However, if I would have paid this at its regular price, I would want it to remain as is.
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