Toddlers absolutely love it!
Got this for my daughter for her birthday and it easily became her favorite toy! She played with it everyday and it never seemed to get old to her at all. Hours and hours of entertainment. My 2y/o niece enjoyed it when she came over as well. Pretty sturdy and well made. Durable enough to make it through the toddler phase. I would definately reccomend to anyone with a toddler.
While this minnie ride on is adorable, and perfect for toddlers, the silly fan bzzzz it makes as the propeller spins drives this mama crazy.. the Quality is iffy, as my daughter cracked the bottom side of it just from bouncing on it in excitement. however that crack never became broken.
Minnie mouse ride on toy
I bought the Minnie Mouse ride-on toy from Walmart for $49.99 and honestly although it was expensive it was totally worth it! She hasn't gotten off of it since she got it and we have other right arms when she pays no attention to. It makes all sorts of noises, the wings flip up or down, and it has lights on in the front.
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