we switched from enfamil to parent's choice and i wouldn't look back. My baby absolutely loves this formula. we've now had no issues with spit up and the price for the amount you get you can't go wrong.
My second grandson was on this for a few weeks because my daughter doesn't get the WIC program. My grandson was so fussy and cried. He was constantly gassy. She switched to another popular brand and no more being fussy or gassy.
I bought this for my newborn and he did not take from this formula at all. I had to switch to a dfferent more expensive formula. I'm sure it's great if it works for yours but mine, no dice.
I love the price and my daughter loves to drink it, win-win! We used to purchase Enfamil A , but decided to switch to a cheaper brand that gives the same results!
Love this formula it's just as good as high end brands just wish they had coupons for it!
I've used this formula for my son at times when I could not afford the more expensive brand and was happy with the product, the price is amazing you can save alot on formula by purchasing this brand. It has the same ingredients and is made under the same regulations as other more expensive brands. If you want to or need to save to money on formula this brand is the option' it is available at Wal-Mart only as it a brand produced by Wal-Mart.
This is a great formula for the price and my baby loves it just as much as goodstart, enfamil or similac.
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