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15 reviews
Prestige Item
Philips Satinelle Epilator Advanced Reviews

    Reviews and Ratings


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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    April 19, 2020
    Quebec, Canada


    Love this device!
    It has a light so if your in the shower you can see, works great on the bikini even without the guards.
    You do have to go a but slow, but that's ok.
    Gets hair very well and when used in the shower the water helps relax the skin .

    Easy to use
    Great for thin hair

    You must go slow

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    February 21, 2020
    Illinois, United States

    Why do people not talk about epilators more?

    i have hated shaving for forever and always wanted to find an alternative. waxing is too expensive. things like nair barely work. shaving leaves me with ingrowns and i can never get a close enough shave. not to mention by the next day i already have regrowth. while on a recent shopping trip to ulta, i decided to purchase this. i am now a believer and have fallen in love. it had a bit of a learning curve but i figured it out. i now epilate my underarms, arms, pantyline area, and my legs. it is a little painful at first but i got used to it quickly. and the best part is that these areas are now perfectly smooth and the smoothness lasts for a long time. i had a few hairs that the epilator just wasn’t grabbing but i just used a tweezer to touch up. i just can’t believe i didn’t try it sooner. it feels and looks like i get professionally waxed. i recommend that your hair is not too short or too long because either the epilator won’t be able to get ahold of the hair, or it will be more painful. also, make sure to exfoliate beforehand. i recommend using it on dry skin. try this out, you won’t be disappointed! epilating is so underrated, i can’t believe more people don’t do it!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    December 22, 2019
    South Africa

    Recommended for smooth skin at home

    It is a good buy. Easy to use (wet and dry). Battery life is good too. gives a nice smooth skin. Recommended for everyone who doesn't like shaving everyday.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    April 16, 2019
    Ontario, Canada

    Works, but very finicky

    I have the BRE610, which is exactly like this model, only it doesn't have the exfoliating attachment. Mine has one attachment for sensitive areas, but I don't find that it makes a huge difference when I attach it. It kind of just creates a bit of distance between the epilator and your skin.

    I read lots of reviews about these epilators and they are really mixed, because I think some people use them once or twice and give up. I almost did after my first use, because I had to go over the same area many times to get the hair to come out. I decided to give it another chance, but first took a hot shower, exfoliated, and then pat my legs dry. This made all the difference! Once my pores were open, the hair came out much more easily. Also I went *way* slower. This epilator works, but you really can't expect it to lift all the hairs when you run it over an area as fast as you would a razor. It took me 30 minutes to do both my legs. This isn't a fast process, but I really like the result and it's lasted me longer than had I shaved. I would say if you're going to use it, be aware that your skin may get red bumps if you're not used to it. Mine went away in less than a day, but it varies depending on the person.

    I wish this version actually had another attachment for smaller areas like the face, and that it was a bit cheaper. $99 is a lot for this, especially since Philips makes a couple others that are in the $50 range. I guess this one costs more because it can be used wet, but I don't see the point in that, since the hairs will just get too slippery. On that note, don't moisturize before epilating, do it after!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    March 14, 2019

    Amazing little epilator

    I have never tried an epilator before, so I was very nervous. But this one is great for sensitive areas like the face. I haven't tried it on my bikini line or armpits yet, but I've tried it on the area below my belly button I always get hair and the results were great. Very gentle and not painful at all. It uses batteries and lasts for a while without changing them or charging. It would be better if you could remove the cap to clean it rather than using the brush.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    August 07, 2018
    British Columbia, Canada

    NO HAIR!!!

    left my legs soft and hair free! love this product it is easy to use and leave you hairless for a long time! i reallly recommend this product! If you want a non irritable shave :)

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    July 30, 2018

    Pourquoi je ne l'ai pas acheté avant?

    Wow... Comment ai-je pu m'en passer pendant toutes ces années? Je dépensais plusieurs $$ en cire épilatoire. Sans parler de la préparation et de l'effet collant de la cire.. L'épilateur est tout simplement génial! Il arrache bien les poils. C'est sûre qu'il y a une douleur mais elle est bien tolérable. J'arrive à me faire les jambes complètes, les bras, les aisselles et le bikini avec une seule charge. Il arrache bien le poil. Je vois bien le bulbe de chaque poil qui est retiré. L'épilateur a une bonne prise. il vient avec une belle pochette, une petite brosse et un tenseur de peau (que je n'utilise pas). L'épilateur a une lumière pour mieux voir les petits poils. Il peut être utilisé sous l'eau, mais je ne crois pas à l'efficacité sous l'eau. Si le poil colle, il est plus dur à relevé alors je le fait toujours à sec. Vraiment une trouvaille qui vous fera sauver beaucoup d'argent. Fini la cire à la maison ou chez l'esthéticienne. Faites-le vous même à la maison! Ayez le même résultat!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    July 17, 2018
    British Columbia, Canada

    Best purchase ever

    When I was younger my mom had one Satinelli from Philips and it hurted so much that I promised myself I'd never use one ever again.
    Well, as time pass by I decided to try again and I bought this Wet and Dry Philips Epilator... Best decision ever!
    Couldn't be more happy with my purchase!
    It still hurts, but waaaay less then with the old one. Also it doesn't get hot and slightly burn the skin as the old one did.
    We'll I definitely recommend it!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    June 26, 2018

    Does what it's supposed to do

    This was much louder than I was expecting! The cord is not too short but not too long, could stand to be a bit longer in case you don't want to sit down while using it. The size was perfect to hold onto even though it looks like an awkward shape. I used it on my armpits and was told they looked great after!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    April 14, 2018


    Je viens de me procurer le Philips Satinelle Advanced.
    Pour ma part, j'en suis venu à bout du rasoir et il fallait que je trouve une alternative LÀ LÀ 😜 Hésitant entre le bio de la cire orientale faite maison, le tria à la lumière pulsée et l'épilateur, mon coeur balançait entre ces trois alternatives à faire dans le confort de son chez-soi et l'expérience plus à long terme.
    J'ai tout d'abord essayé la cire maison avec le sucre, le miel et le citron. Partout, ça disait que c'était ultra facile et tellement wow, en plus de ne faire aucun déchet. Et bien, j'ai essuyé une défaite fulgurante, en me brûlant intensément. (Oui j'avais attendu et tout, bref.)
    Ensuite, me restait deux options. Le tria se ventait de nous donner une peau exempt de poils après quelques utilisations, avis plus que partagés sur le net. En plus de coûter entre les 350 et 450$ selon le modèle, les internautes critiquaient également que l'appareil devenait moins fonctionnel après quelques séances.
    Enfin, il me restait l'épilateur. Dur de s'y retrouvé parmi les choix abondants. J'y ai été tout d'abord pour une marque connue qui se trouvait au walmart. J'ai choisi le modèle Satinelle Advanced pour son utilisation sur peau sèche ou humide/ avec du gel douche ou sans. Je vous le dit, la douleur est diminuée de 50% lorsque le poils est mou!! Ensuite, je l'ai pris parce qu'il est efficace même sur les petits poils (j'ai un petit duvet sur les doigts que je voulais enlever.)
    Le produit est garanti 2 ans auprès de la compagnie et vous avez 45 jours suivant l'achat pour vous faire rembourser si ça ne vous convient pas. Il se vend 99$+taxes.
    Tout d'abord, comptez une bonne heure poir recharger l'appareil avant la première utilisation.vous pourrez feuilleter le dépliant en attendant. L'appareil a un petit icone de batterie qui flashera lors de la recharge, et une fois pleine, elle s'éteindra. Je crois que la batterie complète dure environ 30 min, mais c'est à valider. J'ai pu faire mes jambes et aisselles, et rien n'indiquait que la batterie était vide.
    Ensuite, le douleur est vraiment supportable, la peau humide! Pour les poils, à certains endroits j'ai du repasser 2 fois, peut-être à cause de l'orientation du poils, mais ça allait bien somme toute. À la fin, j'avais des petits picots rouges à l'endeoit des poils, mais je me suis hydraté et je suis persuadé que demain je n'y verrai plus rien. Je vous réécrirai concernant le délai avant la prochaine utilisation et autres détails!

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