PishPosh Mommy makes stylish baby gear organizers. The idea is that you can stay organized, yet still use your regular handbags instead of a diaper bag. This bag is big enough to hold all of the necessary baby gear, and has enough pockets so that things don't get jumbled around, but is thin enough to fit into many larger handbags.
It's a very attractive product. It's easy to use, as well. The advantage of this is that you can use one bag as both diaper bag and handbag, just by taking the Carryall out. Or, you can switch between several handbags and have a diaper bag that matches your outfit, if you are the kind of mom who typically likes to match handbags. The Carryall makes it easy to jump back and forth between bags. It can also be used alone (which is how I used it), and comes in a variety of colors and fabric styles.
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