I have never met a child that does not love this toy. It is great for little children who are still perfecting their walking. I like how the wheels don't scratch the floor so they can use it inside without worrying about the hardwood floors.
Our 20 month old Grandson loves this ride on toy, but where we live, in comes in more varieties. We chose the elephant and he loves it so much. He loves anything that makes noise or bounces. It is a well made and high quality toy for toddlers.
Great toy. My kid loves it. Adjustable seat, so kid can weather push it or ride it. Great for those first walking and getting around experiences.
It's 3 toys in 1 for 3 times the fun! Get your little one walking, rocking, and scooting along with this innovative hippo ride-on toy. It grows with kids to keep the adventures going, easily converting from one mode to another. Little ones can trigger twinkling lights with movement in any mode. They can also control the volume of 4 action-activated tunes based on how fast or slow they go! The dashboard has light-up buttons with fun responses to explore for curious kids.
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