I have three nieces, so I figured at least one of them would love this The Piki Piki Bike Toddler Ride On. I primarily got this for my little two year old nice, she just loves to be on the go and I think this is perfect for her.
This is the easiest bike ever to put together...but that, I mean put the stickers on :) That's right, just pull it out of the box and you are ready to start riding, except for the stickers that come along. Love it!
The quality of this bike seems great! The bike is all one piece, which I think makes it a lot easier to keep in good shape. The plastic on this seems to be a thick, reliable plastic, and should last a good amount of time into the future. This bike is also easy to wipe down when the kids get it all dirty. Overall, very happy with this product, and I am pretty sure all my nieces will be fighting over this!
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