These bags are ok.... they are pretty expensive- and probably the hostess benefits the best from these. I do have a vehicle caddy that hangs over the driver seat--- it holds some extra diapers, mitts, toque, wipes, and has a special spot for the kleenex box (slot for easy dispense).. but I can't afford to buy a bunch of these bags...
I actually liked the thirty one gifts products but I only buy whenever a seller has some stuff on sale. I actually join a few of their VIP groups so I can snag some of their deals. I own a large and medium tote and they are pretyy good bags to have for shopping. They have some cool organizing ideas but it can get really pricey. I would only buy Totes or organizing stuff from them I guess.
I see these guys around at almost every event that I go to. They do have a lot of nice stuff that you can't find anywhere else. The only problem is that I do find them a little pricey
It is very expensive. I only bought the luggage bag and that was it. Its great product my sister and mom got a nice few things but besides that I wouldny but it no more.
I recently placed an order for a casserole thermal bag and when it came I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and size of product! I was hoping to more a few more for wedding gifts, but the style was discontinued! I hope they bring it back!
My cousin hosted a party and I bought a nice bag. There is a lot of cute stuff to choose from but I do find it expensive.
products are trendy, love them. the only down side is they don't offer sipping free the more you buy the more you pay for shipping! duuh
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