Looks great, but not sturdy!
I really wanted to like this drawer organizer. I think the clear drawers look really neat, and would be really practical at my daughter’s arts & crafts station as she can see which supplies are in which drawer. It’s on wheels, which makes it convenient to move around the room as well. Unfortunately, the drawer units just sit on top of each other - there is no external frame nor do they “click together” or otherwise securely attach to the drawer above or below. My toddler dislodges a drawer or two almost every time she opens one, which is concerning because she’s only 3. Visually it looks uneven because a drawer is off, not to mention it’s unstable. I have to hold it together while wheeling it around, so it’s not really that portable. I’m concerned the whole thing will topple over. I wouldn’t recommend or repurchase for this reason.
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