This is just a really nice, classic, leather bag. Note that it is real leather, so definitely not one for those who won't wear animal products. It can be held regularly by the strap, or comfortably slung over your shoulder tote style. I'm plus size and this easily fit on my shoulder, which is great, because many bags I've tried don't fit comfortably. This one is suitable for all sizes.
There's a lot of storage space and sections to divide your stuff if you want more organisation and I love that they have a zipper section on the back, as I like having my money somewhere easily accessible. All the stitching was correct and flawless and the zips moved smoothly and didn't snag or get caught.
As noted in the product description, this is a natural leather and has some natural markings, that might differ slightly from the picture, but mostly it looks exactly as shown in the image. Despite the warning, I didn't find my bag had a particularly pungent or unpleasant leather smell and didn't have to air it out, so I'm quite pleased with that.
The 'Coffee Black' colour looks black, but with a deep brown undertone that shows up really nicely in brighter lighting.
+ Real leather (can be a pro or con depending on the person)
+ Can be worn comfortably on the shoulder by people of any size.
+ Lots of room inside to hold a lot of stuff.
+ Compartments inside to help organise.
+ Zipper pocket on back.
+ Classic, stylish design.
- Real leather (can be a pro or con depending on the person)
Note: I received this product at a discounted rate in exchange for an unbiased, honest review as provided here. As a consumer advocate, I believe in providing quality and honest feedback and receiving a product at a discounted rate will never affect my opinions.
These reviews are the subjective opinions of ChickAdvisor members and not of ChickAdvisor Inc.