Zootopia is a 2016 computer animated Disney film. It features the voices of Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, and J.K. Simmons.
The story follows a bunny named Judy Hopps, who follows her dreams of becoming Zootopia's very first bunny cop. While on parking metre duty, she meets a fox named Nick, a sneaky con artist who tricks business owners out of their money. After a string of disappearances in the city, the two opposites end up working together to solve the mystery.
I love animated films, and I do feel that this is animated beautifully. The colours are gorgeous and bright, and the characters and backgrounds are rendered very smoothly. There's a pretty clear message here, which is to show kids not to judge a book by its cover, and that you shouldn't discriminate against someone that society tells you is "bad" -- you should come to your own conclusion. That's all fine and dandy, but...
There's a pretty big elephant in the room here that I feel needs mentioning. This is a drug trafficking film. I'm not trying to be one of those people who makes something out of nothing, but this is so clearly a drug trafficking film. The citizens in Zootopia who suddenly started acting violent and out-of-character were drugged by a substance concocted in a meth lab. Just look at it. You'll see what I mean. It's not like they're trying to hide it.
Considering how silly and child-like the rest of the film is -- another reason why I didn't particularly enjoy it, as I felt its target audience was much younger than I -- this content seems shocking and incredibly out of place. There's absolutely no reason to stick something like that in there because it serves no metaphorical purpose. It's not trying to dissuade anyone from trying drugs because drugs change you -- they literally show an illegal drug trafficking ring, which uses illegal substances to infect harmless, helpless citizens. Like, huh?
I feel unable to recommend this film due to its inappropriate and completely silly plot. I just didn't enjoy it.
I thought this movie had an amazing message. A fox and a bunny can't be friends. Predator and prey. Sure they can You can do anything if you try, work hard and don't give up. A bunny has never been a police officer let alone a girl bunny. She plans on showing her town she can do it. She works hard see that its a lot of work....but doesn't give up. Great movie. I quite love kids movies
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