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Hair Accessories - Prestige Reviews

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Kit-sch Beauty The Satin Scrunchie

1 review

I ordered this as an add on with my #Ipsy order. I have super long hair, and always seem to get hair accessories lost in it. I love these scrunches, as they are easy to get out of my hair, without ripping or tearing my hair. Great colors, will be buying more.
Devacurl microfibre towel

1 review

Bought this on sale at Trade secrets. I was using a regular towel on my curls and learnt about this! Game changer curly girls. It's very soft good size , soaks up water and gentle on the hair. My hair is less frizzy and styles better. Get one!
Slip Pure Silk Headband

1 review

i got this headband in black and i love it! it is so comfortable to wear, and fashionable, it doesn’t leave a line on the top of my head like some headbands do, and it is not to tight so my head never hurts because of it, i would recommend to anyone who wears headbands often
Silke London

3 reviews

I have the WORST bed head, and after seeing this on IG a few times I thought I'd give it ago. I'm delighted to say this easy-to-sleep in cap makes me look like I had a blowdry first thing in the A.M
AQUIS luxe Hair Turban

3 reviews

When I first picked up one of these hair towels, I was honestly skeptical as to whether it would make any kind of difference in my hair drying! It looked like any other ordinary hair towel I have owned before. However, I love this hair towel! I love to use it to wring out the...
Slip Beauty Sleep To Go!

1 review

this is such a nice gift to give someone, it has a travel pillow and eye mask, the pillow is super nice and comfortable, and does not need to just be used for travel, the eye mask is awesome and both have protective factors for your hair and skin
Slip Silk Sleepmask Pink

1 review

i love this mask, its the first mask i have ever been able to sleep with comfortable, i love that its good for your skin and hair as well, i would totally recommend to anyone who uses a sleep mask or wants to start using one
Slip Large Slipsilk Scrunchies

1 review

these are the best scrunchies i have ever tried! they aren’t to large and stay in your hair so well (i have thin hair), while being good for your hair, i noticed it didn’t crease my hair as much as pony tails do and i would recommend to anyone who wears their hair up a lot
IGK Preparty Hair Strobing Glitter Spray

1 review

I was interested in this spray, and bought it during the Sephora 20% sale. I have bought glitter spray from Claire's as a kid and was excited to use it again to go out dancing. It sits on your hair like a light hairspray (my hair felt a bit tacky/sticky after spraying it on) - I...
HeraRemy lacefront wig

1 review

I bought a lacefront wig for the cheap, so you get what you pay for. The wig is a human hair blend that you can use heat on it. The wig is really pretty the color is amazing but here is my issue it tangles and sheds super bad . If you are on a budget and like wigs they are okay...