Cat Litter Reviews

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21-40 of 70

Purina Tidy Cats LightWeight 24/7 Performance Clumping Cat Litter for Multiple Cats

23 reviews

I have 2 cats and I loved how light weight it is and had a great scent. But I found I had to use more than I normally would. It normally scoop & top up the litter box every couple days but with this brand I had to scoop the boxes everyday and top it up as well. Won’t be...
Odor buster kitty litter

3 reviews

After trying several litters, I like this one best. The dust is low and manageable. There is no scent added, which makes both my cat and I happy. It is easy to scoop and easily available where I live. They had problems in their supply chain about a year ago, but once that was...
Purina Maxx Scoop Small Spaces Cat Litter

39 reviews

I live in a very small apartment and this cat litter for small spaces is absolutely amazing keeps the smell down the dust is low and does not stick to my cats paws
Breeze Cat Litter Box System

1 review

We have two cats and tried many different types of cat litter and would use two to three boxes a month and it would still have a pee smell. With the Breeze Cat Litter Box System we change the pad once a week and pellets once a month. Keeps the pee smell away.
Petstore premium scoopable cat litter with activated carbon crystals

2 reviews

I am a new cat person and tried 4 litters - one product odor before cat even used was disgusting. Expensive to keep buying litters that weren't the one. This one my cat uses and no smell!!l Best ... - now to find it online or in stores in MB!!!
Kit Cat Soya Clump Cat Litter

1 review

This litter is fantastic. Doesn’t get kicked around by my kitty. Doesn’t smell. Flushable. Pleasant scent (I bought the green tea variety). Can’t ask for more out of a cat litter!
Speical Kitty Litter

4 reviews

Very effective cat litter, does exactly what it should. Very good price which is great because 2 cats go through one box every 2 weeks. Minimizes the smell very well!
special kitty clumping antibacterial multi-cat scented litter

6 reviews

My cats absolutely love it. I have no complaints about the clumping ability of this litter. I think it is a great value for the price. Usually a 22kg box will last me around 2-3 months with two cats
Arm & Hammer Multi-Cat Litter

18 reviews

This is the very best litter I got so far !! I have 3 🐈 and it's the first time that I don't have a bad smell after a couple days. I recommend this product to anyone who has a cat or more than one!! This litter is a clumping one . I would definitely buy it again!
Slide cat litter

1 review

My mom got me hooked on the litter and I’m so glad she did. It clumps very well making it easy to clean up. So many litters have a ton of dust and it’s just gross. The cat would always smell like the litter dust. There is no dust with the Slide litter at all! The odor...
Purina Tidy Cats Lightweight 4-in-1 Strength Clumping Cat Litter For Multiple Cats

2 reviews

This product is awful. BOTH my cat and I hated it! It says it prevents ammonia odour for 14 days - that's only because of how overpowering the scent is. My entire home smelled like cheap, dollar store air freshener. Typically, I scoop the litter box daily and change the litter...
Johnny Cat Scoop Anti-bacterial

1 review

This kitty litter is a great lower priced litter compared to its competitors and eliminates litter box odours while effectively clumping for easy removal. Its scent free and anti-bacterial too!
Dr elsie‘S car attract cat litter

1 review

I tried dr Elsie’s cat attract cat litter after trying several box locations, many types of litter and half a dozen different boxes themselves. He went in the box! Unbelievable! Did not know what’s in it but it worked
Petsafe self cleaning litter box

1 review

I got this petsafe self cleaning litter box and it connects to the petsafe app. I comes with its own kind of cat litter. I did really like this product but now its not getting all the feces out when it puts it in the dropbox and it is supposed to help with odor but sometimes it...
Special Kitty Clumping Cat Litter with Carbon

1 review

I originally bought this litter to see how well the carbon aspect worked with regards to smell. I am extremely impressed with how the effect of the carbon works. Area around litter box doesn't smell, no strong smell left on the cats after digging around in the box and the...
Fresh Scoop Cat Litter

2 reviews

I have always made sure that I had a very effective cat litter that I could use. My daughter recently moved back home and she has two cats, and I have one cat. We have three litter boxes and you Fresh Step multiple cat letter in each of them. Even if I didn't scoop them everyday...
Fresh Step Cat Litter Febreze Hawaiian Aloha

3 reviews

I could not get my regular litter and got this with Febreeze thinking it would help with the smell. It was a little over powering and he definitely didn't like it. He would stand outside his box and look in but wouldn't enter. Had to replace with something with no odor.
Tidy cats instant action cat litter

5 reviews

tidy cats is definitely one of the best litter I've use for my cats, clumps and holds well, there's no awful smell coming from the litter box, the only downfall is because the litter is light it gets in the cats paws and she drags it all over the basement but its super easy to...
Feline pine

2 reviews

I first bought this litter after another customer told me how much he loved it. I was looking for something that would TRULY cover the odors from our 3 cats, and also low-tracking. I tried it, and was honestly amazed at how well it worked! My cats had no issue whatsoever going...
tidycats catlitter

2 reviews

I love this litter. We have three cats and there is no urine or feces odor! It is a bit messy, it gets all over the floor when our cats jump out of the box because its round, not gravely. But because there is no smell i can definitely deal with it!