The two words I’d use to describe Maxi Cosi’s ‘Lila CP’ stroller is quality and versatility. While it certainly won’t be right for every single parent, the ability to change the modes and the amount of included accessories is fantastic. The only downside I can really...
I like this stroller because it grows with your baby. It is mid size. My baby likes to sleep on it when we go out. The only thing I don't like is i have to remove the seat when ever i need to fold it. Also the wheels on the front sometimes prevents it from folding down properly...
After 4 kids ive pretty much used every pram going. I love the bugaboos but they always had something id change about them until the buffalo!its big but not clumpy or heavy. It can fold down in one like a stroller. The handling on it is like a car andthe bigger wheels mean you...
Super easy to travel with, versatile and stylish. We used this as a bassinet for baby and she loved it, also brought in trips with us to sleep baby in bassinet in our room. The stroller is easy to use and super sturdy, we love it.