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Non-Dairy (Refrigerated) Reviews

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1-20 of 144

Coconut DREAM Unsweetened Coconut Drink

156 reviews

I was very skeptical about this product but being a lover of coconut and wanting to cut cals I went for it! It's delicious. I use every morning for my smoothies, great taste, healthy and gives my smoothie some protein. I also am trying to use less dairy, so this is a wonderful...
Silk Original Almond Milk

167 reviews

We use the unsweetened Almond Milk for everything. It has replaced all the dairy in our home.i have used it in Vegan Thanksgiving Waffles & Vegan Breakfast Bread pudding.

108 reviews

I enjoy the taste of this almond milk. We use it for drinking, baking, cereal, and in our coffee. I do have concerns about the environmental impact of producing almond milk.
Silk Vanilla Almondmilk

65 reviews

I wanted to try something more healthy in my smoothie and this did just that. It’s not as fattening as whole milk and actually tastes a whole lot better. Glad I made the change.
Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Vanilla Almondmilk

53 reviews

My son had a milk allergy several years ago but he outgrew it. However he developed a liking for almond milk and we tried various brands but this is his choice. I love the unsweetened myself but his fave is vanilla. He drinks it daily and we use it for smoothies and more. It’s...
Almond Dream Unsweetened Original

48 reviews

I like almond dream and use it when i'm looking for natural alternatives to dairy milk. It is smooth and creamy to drink and is perfectly blended with no residue. I also enjoy it in smooties.
Great value almondmilk unsweetened

1 review

I bought great value original unsweetened almondmilk from walmart like i have several times in the past. Got to almost the end of the container BEFORE the expire date and poured out a mold spore.
Silk Almond Unsweetened

27 reviews

Je ne bois plus depuis des années du lait conventionnel. Au début je me suis retournée à consommer des laits à base de soya. Mais quand j’ai découvert ce lait à base d’amande, plus besoin d’essayer d’en fabriquer un maison car mon temps est précieux et ma...
NotCo Notmilk

2 reviews

I'm vegan so I like to try new options for non-dairy beverages. I got the 2% reduced fat one. It doesn't taste anything like milk. This one is sweet, taste like coconut even though there's no coconut in it. It does have pineapple juice though and cabbage juice. I would buy this...

1 review

This is my first time tasting pea milk. It was recommended to me by a friend, and wow. I was pleasantly surprised. I expected it to taste like peas 🤣 I have two protein shakes per day, usually made with almond milk, but I’ll definitely be switching to this. It’s delicious...
Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk

43 reviews

Almond Breeze unsweetened is my preferred dairy alternative. I have tried many other almond beverages and I either don't like the flavour or won't buy because of an ingredient I avoid, like carrageenan. I use in my coffee and my daily smoothies. Would like to see a more Eco...
SIlk Half & Half Oat and Coconut Creamer

3 reviews

Califia Farms half & half is the one that I usually buy, but I decided to give this Silk half & half alternative a try. I love it, it's sweet and rich but doesn't overpower my teas. Oatmilk and oatmilk creamers tend to upset my stomach, but this half & half doesn't.
Silk Almond For Coffee Vanilla

39 reviews

Unlike the Silk Soy For coffee, this Silk Almond for coffee Vanilla flavor tastes sickly sweet, perhaps because it is sweetened with cane syrup AND is heavily vanilla tasting. I would not buy again.

1 review

We have purchased the chocolate flavor and OH MY!! It's AMAZING!! A great mild chocolate flavor, not overpowering at all. Glad to find another pea base milk, as my daughter has a milk protein allergy and unable to bring her coconut or almond milk to schools or daycare...
Lactaid eggnog

1 review

I'm an eggnog fan, but not a milk fan. At least, my stomach isn't! Lactaid eggnog was the closest to the real thing I tried this past holiday season. More importantly, it didn't hurt me to have it.
Silk coconut milk unsweetened

4 reviews

It's really refreshing. It's flavour is more subtle than similar products. At first it's like you're drinking water, but after a few seconds there's a delightful coconut taste, and a coconut after taste that lasts for a few seconds. If you like coconut, you'll like this. If you...
Boursin Dairy Free Cheese Spread Alternative - Garlic & Herbs

1 review

It's expensive, but Boursin is a quality brand so even their regular cheese is nit cheap. I got lucky and got a rebate on Checkout51, so it was affordable enough to take a chance on it. Now that I've tried it, I'll be looking for it at Costco. I had it on a toasted everything...
Silk Almond Coconut Blend Beverage

37 reviews

This is my new favorite go to drink it tastes amazing, is great in smoothies or even in my coffee added to cereal Kama and is great for anyone who is lactose intolerant.
Violife cheddar slices

2 reviews

All I can say is WOW! I never thought a vegan cheese could taste so good. I love the texture of the cheese slices and they are perfect on a sandwich. They also melt really nicely for grilled cheese too!
Hidden Valley Plant Base dressing

1 review

The Hidden Valley Plant Powered Ranch Topping and Dressing taste amazing!I really liked the flavor and texture of this Dressing. It is really creamy and flavorful and nobody could ever tell that it is dairy free. It’s great as salad dressing or as a topping for carrots and...