Tea Reviews

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341-360 of 1095

David's tea Parfait fraise-rhubarbe

1 review

Il s'agit d'une tisane au goût de fraise et de rhubarbe. Je trouve que le goût de fraise prend tout la place et qu'on ne goût pas tant la rhubarbe. Chaud, je trouve que ce n'est pas très bon. Mais, infusé froid pour faire un thé glacé, là c'est Miam miam! C'est devenu un...
Yogi Cold Season Tea

1 review

I am not much of a herbal tea drinker, but you are starting to feel sick you will try anything not to become sick. Yogi Cold Season Tea, I feel, saved my butt from becoming more ill during the cold/ flu season. The flavour takes some getting use to, but add a little honey. I...
Southern Breeze Pre-Sweetened Peach Tea

2 reviews

I've never been a fan of peach anything but my sister got me to try this and OMG it is so good, and good for you, well better than sugary sweet tea. You cannot tell that this tea is sugar free. I am hooked and will never buy any other brand again
Twinings Peppermint and Creamy Vanilla Tea

5 reviews

I've tried this a few times now at work (cafe shop) I love mint so an added bonus. It's one of their teas which you end up leaning over the mug breathing in the smell while you wait for it to cool down.
Ann Instant Honeyed Ginger Drink

1 review

I’m always forced to drink this tea every time I have a sore throat. It tastes absolutely awful but I kid you not, one or two cups of it and you’ll feel better almost right away. This tea tastes so natural and homemade even though it’s instant. Proves that oriental...
luzianne tea bags

2 reviews

I was a longtime Lipton tea user before I tried this. So smooth and delicious, I'll never go back to Lipton. If you haven't tried it, you have no idea what you're missing. One sip and you'll be hooked.
David's Tea bienheureux Boudha

2 reviews

J'aime beaucoup ce thé blanc! Il a un goût assez prononcé, donc ce n'est peut-être pas pour tout le monde, Néanmoins, je crois que c'est un thé de très grande qualité!
David's Tea Paille

1 review

J’en cherchais depuis un bon moment. Ça me tentait moins de commander sur le net. Alors je les ai trouver pour seulement 8$ au David’s Tea. C’est des pailles réutilisables. Je veux faire attention de plus en plus à mes dépenses et aussi au 0 déchets. Je suis...
Yorkshire Tea

25 reviews

The tea of choice in our house, and to be honest we even take some with us on holiday as no other tea measures up! Its a good taste, good value (Iceland, Home Bargains and Band M always cheaper than supermarket) and won't buy anything else. Lets face it when everything else goes...
Mangue Punchée - David's Tea

1 review

Je me suis aussi repris mangue punchée. Un de mes classique de l’été. J’aime tout ce qui est à la mangue ou au fruits. Je me souviens qu’en thé pop, il était trop bon mais il y en a plus maintenant.
David's Tea Blanc de pêche

1 review

Celle-là sent la poire. Il y en a déjà eu une qui ressemblait c’était Pêche Parfait . J’ai hâte de le goûter. Il y a: Pomme, thé blanc, pêche, Je l'adore et surtout le melange.
David's Tea Filtre

1 review

Les filtres du David’s Tea. Je les adore tellement. C’est biodégradable et mieux que les trucs que j’avais. Il y en a 100 dans une boites. Une fois terminée on les jetes dans le composte. Ca dure longtemps et il ne perce pas. Nous sommes déjà rendu en octobre et je...
David's Tea Spa d'argousier

1 review

J’ai senti ce thé et j’avais envie de me le procurer. Il sentait trop bon et je me dis qu’il devrait goûter bon. La vendeuse a dit que ça goûte le romarin. C'est vrai ce que la vendeuse à dit. Je trouve que c'est relaxant et parfait pour une soirée relaxe à la...
David's Tea mojitos à la framboise

1 review

C’est un de mes thés préférer de tous les temps. Je le rachète à chaque fois que j’en ai plus . Je me le fait autant en chaud que en froid. Il est parfait en thé chaud et en froid. J'aime son gout fruité.
Be You Teaful Tea, Rose White Tea

1 review

This tea caught my eye on the store shelf. Super cute tin for my pantry. I have heard all of the positive things about rose white tea, the tin said it helps with water retention and was caffeine free, something for my low key evening to relax me and wind me down for the night. I...
Tetley Ayurvedic Balance Vigour-Kapha Herbal Tea

19 reviews

As a dedicated Tetley tea buyer and drinker, I assumed their new line of balance teas would be on par with their other selections. Unfortunately, I found the taste horrific. Imo, it tasted like smelly gym socks. I still have a few tins in my cupboard that I'll serve to people...
Lipton Iced Tea Southern Sweet Tea

1 review

I used to use the regular Lipton tea bags..I'm a big tea drinker. But then the Lipton Southern Sweet Tea bags came out. If you like sweet tea then you'll love these! Depending how sweet you like it some people I know don't add sugar. Then people like me do. I like mine super...
David's Tea Organic Cold 911

3 reviews

When you start feeling a cold come along, this tea is the perfect blend to soothe the symptoms! I always buy some before the start of winter to use throughout the winter months. Definitely recommend as an all natural way to help your cold!

1 review

This tea is absolutely amazing!! I found it at a local store on sale but after I couldn't find anymore deals on it I bought it on Amazon!! Love the taste/flavor! This is the only tea we now drink!! I also use it to make macaroons and they come out perfect every time!
Twinings Lemon Ginger Tea

1 review

I drink lemon-ginger tea almost every night because it's the only thing I swear by to ward off colds, coughs and fevers. I bought the Twinings brand when Superstore was (I'm guessing) waiting for new stock to come in because most shelves were almost empty. I've tried almost...