Tea Reviews

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361-380 of 1095

David’s tea grand cru matcha

1 review

I really loved this Matcha, I found you do have to whisk it a lot because of clumps but once you get them out it has a great flavour and gives you lots of energy
Luzzianne Tea

1 review

Luzzianne Tea is the absolute best team on the market.We also use luzzianne coffee.it is strong growth enough so it's not all watery...I hope you all will give it a try.its the best...
David's Tea Spirale Verte

1 review

C’est du thé vert roule à la main. Ça sent bon et c’est plus naturelle . J’aime bien le thé vert après les repas. Parfait pour les amateurs de thé vert. Il n'est pas trop fort mais juste assez. C'est parfait pour la digestion sans donner mal au coeur
David's Tea Fleur de poirier

1 review

Celui-ci sent aussi très bon. C’est une tisane que l’on peut prendre le soir pour se relaxer. En mangeant notre dessert ou que l’on écoute la tv. Il est juste parfait et mon chum l'aime bien aussi. Je peux le prendre toute heure de la journée
David's Tea Belle Bette

1 review

Je l’ai senti et ça sentait vraiment bon. Ça va être parfait en thé glacé. Je peux aussi le mélanger avec d’autre sorte. Il y a de la pomme, raisins sec, baies de Goji et plusieurs autres. Il se melange bien avec d'autre sorte.
David's Tea - Limonade aux fraises

1 review

Je me suis pris cette tisane. C’est une nouveauté de la collection d’été. Je peux vous affirmer qu’elle est bonne. Je l’ai essayer en thé glacé et ça goûte les fraises. Je pense que ça va aussi faire parti de mes chouchous de cette été.
Stash Double Bergamot Earl Grey tea

5 reviews

Super delicious! The double bergamot is wonderful. As bergamot is the main key flavour for it makes it wonderful. It’s not extremely strong. I tried it one day cause I couldn’t get my original brand I use, but I was severely happy with this! Now I always have a box in my tea...
Yogi Kava Stress Relief Tea

1 review

I don't think Yogi's Kava Tea gets it's due credit. This stuff has been a LIFE SAVER for me and my husband. We're both in our trial and error stage of finding the right medications for our anxiety and depression. It has not..been ideal... When things get super crazy and...
Cloverland sweet tea southern style

1 review

With 2 servings per container in a 1 pint bottle and 120 calories per serving, thats not that bad right? My only concern about this tea is that it has 29g of sugar in it, but besides that that value and quality is good and the tea itself is good too, I just drank the bottle i...
David’s tea

5 reviews

I’m a huge fan of David’s tea and recently finished their seasonal advent calendar. This is a wonderful selection of their classic flavours and also unique seasonal flavors. Although the cost of these teas can be quite pricey comparison to others, it definitely lives up to...
turners iced tea

1 review

I prefer brewed teas, but for the price this tea is really good. It doesnt have that aftertaste you get with powders and it is pretty light and refreshing. It is not overpoweringly sweet either, which some teas are
Southern Breeze Pre-Sweetened Tea Peach

1 review

I started a new way of Life this year and upon looking for products comparable to what I was used to i ran upon this Pre-sweetened sweet tea. I 1st received a free sample and immediately fell in love. This tea is soooo good, you would never know it was actually better for you...
Clover farms icy tea

1 review

Great tasting drink product for my area satisfying for all guaranteed to quench your thirst especially in the summertime. Made locally in reading pa and sold almost everywhere in the area at a great price
Gold peak ice tea

17 reviews

This tea is so gross now that they've changed the recipe. It tastes like flavored water. I gotta find a new Lemonade tea brand. I do not recommend this colored water.
tea lipton

1 review

Ma brue boit beaucoup de sorte de thé, autant en feuilles qu'en poche. Dernièrement j'ai vu votre annonce de thé lipton et je lui en ai acheté. Elle a aimé leur goût prononcé et pas besoin de laisser infusé longtemps , elle va sûrement en acheté d'autres
Steaz Iced Green Tea Beverage Zero Calorie

2 reviews

I love this iced tea!! The flavour is mild but perfectly spot on and there's no sweetener aftertaste. I've found these at my local Sobey's and just recently got them on sale at lowcarbcanada.ca 100% recommend if looking for a tasty & refreshing drink that's zero calorie.
Starbucks Passion Tango Tea Lemonade

26 reviews

This drink from Starbucks is a bit too strong for me but it is quite refreshing I have no idea what the one with no lemonade tastes like but maybe it tastes better. It’s very refreshing but it’s a bit strong for me would recommend though.
DavidsTea Cotton Candy

7 reviews

I love the cotton candy tea from davids. I mainly drink it as a latte but it's also really good straight up. I haven't tried it iced before but I've heard it's just as good and if not better from others!
Sun-Rype Sparkling Green Tea - Honey Lemon

2 reviews

very refreshing tastes great thirst quenchervery refreshing tastes great thirst quenchervery refreshing tastes great thirst quenchervery refreshing tastes great thirst quencher
Tetley Earl Grey Tea

24 reviews

Love the flavour of this tea. Steeps quickly and gives a strong flavour. My go to tea every morning for the drive to work! Even have my husband enjoying it now!