Natural Therapies Reviews

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341-360 of 447

Badger Sleep Balm

5 reviews

I've seen some bad reviews on this sleep balm and it seems people assume this balm will put you to sleep...not so. This balm contains no drugs and relies only on the scent of essential oils to relax you. You have to use this with the knowledge that it won't put you to sleep, but...
Nature Made Cranberry

1 review

The last thing I want to do is take antibiotics if I can help it because it weakens the digestive tract, so this stuff is great if you think you have the beginning of a UTI. It doesn't replace antibotics if you do have a bad one, but cranberry extract helps treat/prevent UTIs...
Cornelia Bean Chai Rooibos Tea

1 review

This healthful, organic beverage is made from the fine needles of a South African bush. In natural form the needles are green, but when fermented they turn red. Rooibos ( South African word for Red Bush) . Wellness benefits include: Extremely rich in anti-oxidants and...
Rocky Mountain Cool Feet+ (Peppermint & Tea Tree)

1 review

Comes in a glass bottle and brand is known for being natural free & toxin free. I was told that I would get a tingly feeling when spraying it on my feet but I don't get that feeling at all. It is minty smelling but it doesn't last very long as well (the scent). I would suggest...
Badger Headache Soother

3 reviews

Such an amazing product to have on hand if you are prone to headaches. I apply it on the temples and in a halo around the forehead. Sometimes I put some on my neck, at the base of the head as well. Works well in soothing the headache in a few minutes.
Teeter Hangups Inversion Table

1 review

I had back pain quite often and was taking pain medication to relieve the pain. I wanted to try a medicine free alternative and purchased a Teeter Hangups Inversion Table. I love it! It is easy to use and works very well to relieve the tension that was causing me a lot of...
zicam disolving powder

1 review

After only using 1 of the 20 pouches to "help rid my cold" my throat swoll within minutes to the point where I really thought I was going to die. It was 3am and there was no one to call but 911, luckily I was stupid enough to try and wait it out, after an hour I was able to...
Cornelia Bean Cinnamon Rooibos Tea

1 review

Health benefits of rooibos teas are well documented. One of the reasons I'm a faithful rooibos drinker! Add fruit and cinnamon [beneficial for anti-inflamation] and your own drop of honey you've created a singular brew! Additional Ingredients of this rooibos include apple...
Cornelia Bean Pina Colada Rooibos Tea

1 review

*Rooibos This healthful, organic beverage is made from the fine needles of a South African bush. In natural form the needles are green, but when fermented they turn red. Rooibos ( South African word for Red Bush) is extremely rich in anti-oxidants and flavenoids that boost the...
Arbonne Herbal Muscle Massage Pain Relieving Gel

8 reviews

Let me tell you about the time I almost died. It was my first day at the gym in a REALLY long time and my trainer decided to take his aggression out on my legs. As I laid down that night, I could feel the tightness and soreness of my upper and inside thighs. I mentioned it to my...
Weleda Almond Sensitive Skin Soothing Cleansing Lotion

2 reviews

This cleanser is super gentle on the skin, and has a very subtle and soft scent. This really soothes my skin whether it be acne or cuts/scratches, and it definitely doesn't irritate it. It's super moisturizing and leaves my skin feeling very soft.
Aleva Naturals Breathe Easy Chest Rub

3 reviews

This stuff is amazing and works so good even better then Vickie in my opinion the kids love it better too I don't got to fight with them to put it on and it don't have that over powering smell either
Teaopia Fenugreek with Cinnamon

1 review

Although the product says it helps reduce elevated blood lipid and promote healthy glucose levels, I honestly only bought it because Fenugreek is supposed to help with breast growth ... (This was in my teen high school years and I was really silly!) You were supposed to put a...
Vita Sciences Maxabsorb Melatonin Cream

1 review

Formula: the light lotion based product is fast absorbing without any scent. It works by applying one full pump of the product before going to sleep at night, either on your arm or leg until it's absorbed into the skin. At first I didn't experience a significant change but I did...
Webber Naturals - Malatonin

7 reviews

I have a very hard time sleeping due to shift work as a nurse and so I use Melatonin all the time to help re-set my sleep cycles. I find it almost always helps make me relaxed and more ready for sleep as well as helps me stay asleep vs when I don't take anything. I use tablets...
Bella Organics Deodorant Cream in Vanilla Mint

2 reviews

Antiperspirants block sweat glands to avoid perspiration. An aluminum compound is the active ingredient in most antiperspirants. Aluminum compounds have a many possible health risks which includes hormonal imbalance, increased risk of Alzheimers and even breast...
Febreze Allergen Reducer

4 reviews

Lo compre recien, pero me a funcionado muy bien. Deja un agradable olor en donde lo uses. Para los alérgicos en mi hogar funciona ya que no destornudan con esto.
Soex double apple tobacco free shisha

1 review

Great shisha, it's tobacco free so the buzz isn't strong, but it's enjoyable in taste.

1 review

Médicament homéopathique traditionnellement utilisé dans les affections de la voix : extinction de voix, enrouement, fatigue des cordes vocales. - Homeovox relieves hoarseness, loss of voice, laryngitis and strained vocal chords in adults and children 2 years of age ...

1 review

using this for those nasty hot flasks. Really notice the difference especially if I forget to take it. Still having the occasional flash but not like before