Books Reviews

Curling up with a good book is a favourite year-round pursuit: in front of a blazing fire in January, in the park under a warm May sun, in a hammock lake-side in July or with coffee on the back porch overlooking brilliant fall foliage.

ChickAdvisor members love light reads like the wildly popular Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella or the more introspective romances of Emily GiffinHe's Not That Into You gives us food for thought, and Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series is a guilty little pleasure.

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221-240 of 1145


1 review

I'm a nurse of almost three years and I loved this book so much that I've read it twice in the last two years. It highlights what nurses do everyday really well, I've lent it to a few people in my life and they've all come back saying they have a new respect for what we do.
Whiskey, words and a shovel

1 review

One of my favourite poetry books. It covered every topic you can think of from love, lust, heartbreak, independence, self harm and everything in between and each and every poem is amazing, a work of art.
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas Book

2 reviews

This is the first book I ever remember having and it was a story that was read to us every Christmas. And it is one of the first I bought for my kids. The Grinch is such a fun character for kids they are drawn to his rhythms. Great Choice for families

1 review

Well, Registered Psychologists-Dr. Carla Fry & Dr. Lisa Ferrari You Nailed It with A Modern Parents Guide to Raising Children in an Era of Entitlement. I could not put this book down. This book I received as a prize I won over the holidays from" What She Said" Radio. The book...
The Woman Next Door - Cass Green

1 review

Wow! This book fantastic! I finished this book up in two days. Really solid read, lots of twists and turns. I did not see that ending coming! Two suburban women. Two dark secrets. The almost perfect murder. Everybody needs good neighbours… Melissa and Hester have lived next...
Guess How Much I Love you

2 reviews

This is a well loved book by our family. It is a cute way of explaining how much a parent loves a child and vice versa. It leads to additional debate of how much you love your child. Definitely recommend this to all parents and children.
I spy letters book

2 reviews

I LOVED these I spy books growing up. Just finding all the images and feeling all accomplished when I did. They are great for kids. They will keep a kid busy for a good while.
Candide by Voltaire

1 review

Who knew that a satire written in the mid 1700's could be so hilarious and relatable even today! This was a pleasant surprise as I wasn't aware it was even satire until after I started reading it. This had me laughing out loud many times
The Luckiest Girl Alive By Jessica Knoll

1 review

I was very pleasantly surprised by this book, I found it on many book lists who suggested it if you enjoyed gone girl and the like. Right off the bat when you begin to read this novel it sucks you in and you become invested in the characters. The leading lady is a complicated...
Mamas Always Come Home

1 review

This is a beautiful kids story explaining that although mother's have to leave ( whether it's birds, cats, dogs, humans.etc.) that they always come back home to their babies. This would be a great book for anyone but I think its especially nice for a mother that's going back to...
Papermate® Flair M

6 reviews

I just bought the Papermate Flair Pens to use in a new bullet journal and another journal I bought and I have to say these are my new all-time favorite pens! They are so smooth, such pretty colors, and they don't bleed much if at all! I absolutely love them!
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

4 reviews

A great read. I found it to be very clever that the author wrote the story with the dog as narrator and many times just laughed out loud at the dog's thinking and antics. Funny and sad in parts, you won't want to put iot down. Inspired me to read other books by this author.
Law of attraction

1 review

If you are looking for a good read this book is the one, I have bought the Law of attractions collection book as it has the three in one and it is so good. One book I have a hard time putting down I just wish I had more time to read
The Mortal Instrument: City of Glass

2 reviews

This book was at the time quite original for me, I read it many years ago, I will say that for a teen who enjoys this kind of story's this one is a good reading, you will enjoy the characters and the story line, and at the end you will want to get answers, so I do recommend this...
The List by Patricia Forde

1 review

Received an ARC from NetGalley. I found the first half of the book to be rather slow. good premise, I'm interested in finding out more of what happens, but it didn't grab my attention. About halfway through, the plot finally picks up and we understand more of what the...
Craving by Helen Hardt

1 review

I read this book up super quick. Like several hours, over the course of three nights. Every night I couldn't wait to get back to my room to get sucked back in. A bit scattered, as it is about brothers and you are always wondering how things tie together, and they tell a...
Black Dagger Brotherhood: Lover Revealed

1 review

It took me awhile to get into this book as I found it a little boring and lack luster at first. The character makes sense in the book in the end but at first mixing a human into a vampire society is a bit tedious. Overall I ended up finishing and liking the way it all melds...
Ze-ther de atriana Reeves

1 review

Montréalaise, Atriana Reeves est une conférencière, auteure-compositeure-interprète née en 1970. Ceci est son premier livre . Cet intrigue est à lire absolument. Un peu de mystère, autre dimension etc... Il y a une bande-annonce sonore à télécharger gratuitement!
The Book Thief

6 reviews

I love reading books. I love being taken away to the lands in the books. I am an emotional person, so when I cry reading a book, I know it is an amazing book. I will be keeping this book on my shelf for years to come. I make a point to read the book before watching the movie...
Passion Planner

2 reviews

The planner of all planners. I've used many different kinds of planners but this one is by far my favourite. I usually buy the undated Sunday compact in Timeless Black. It's lightweight and fits easily in most of my purses. I love the breakdown of the day by 1/2 hour increments...