Books Reviews

Curling up with a good book is a favourite year-round pursuit: in front of a blazing fire in January, in the park under a warm May sun, in a hammock lake-side in July or with coffee on the back porch overlooking brilliant fall foliage.

ChickAdvisor members love light reads like the wildly popular Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella or the more introspective romances of Emily GiffinHe's Not That Into You gives us food for thought, and Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series is a guilty little pleasure.

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301-320 of 1145

The fireman book

1 review

This book was a great read. It's about a new plague that is spreading and eventually causes people to combust. But then a fireman comes in and leans how to control the dragonscale and saves a group of people who also lean more about the plague.
I let you go

1 review

This was a great book! I couldn't put it down. It's about a mom who let's go of her sons hand who runs into traffic. It also follows a pair of investigators who are looking into the hit and run.
The Pocket Butler: A Compact Guide to Modern Manners, Business Etiquette and Everyday Entertaining by Charles MacPherson

1 review

Disclaimer: I received this book for free as part of a Goodreads Giveaway. I had to read this book in its entirety the moment I started it. It was informative without being boring and it was brief enough that it held my attention all while still educating me properly. Not only...
The Fall by Bethany Griffin

1 review

I was hesitant on rating this novel 4 stars since the writing wasn't great but I really did enjoy the novel and it was a quick read (as in, I didn't dread going back to it). This retelling is great because the original story left more to be desired and this expands a great deal...
Assassin's Apprentice: The Farseer Trilogy Book 1 by Robin Hobb

1 review

This book was recommended to me by someone who loves this writer and I can see where that attraction comes from. I was told that the world building and descriptions were top tier and I believe it! The way Hobb works with words is amazing. Even though the story rather slowly...
Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse by John Joseph Adams

1 review

I originally picked this up thinking it was going to be about zombies, but it was clearly stated in the beginning that that was not the case and I wasn't disappointed at all. I'm glad I ordered this collection when I saw it online because it definitely restored my interest in...
The Countess by Rebecca Johns

1 review

This was another book that deviated from the plot I expected, and while I was disappointed with it in the beginning I did come to enjoy it the deeper I got into the plot. It was interesting to see how the story portrayed Erzsebet's reputation as a misunderstanding, and I was...
Squire: Book 3 of the Protector of the Small Quartet by Tamora Pierce

1 review

This book was great! I think it's the most enjoyable out of all the others, and it's a fun read the entire time. We got introduced to a new cast of characters and even got to see a few familiar faces, but the best part was seeing Kel learn new skills and become even more worthy...
The Quick by Lauren Owen

1 review

I enjoyed this book much more than I thought I would. Many people seemed to be upset, both about the homosexuality and the 'random' [certain monsters], but I found it to be interesting the whole way through and I really liked the writing style. I wish I didn't leave such big...
First Test: Book 1 of the Protector of the Small Quartet by Tamora Pierce

1 review

The first time I read this book, I was in elementary school. Once I had finished, I begged my mother to buy me the next book because I had absolutely loved it. I was afraid that I wouldn't enjoy it as much again because I was no longer in the target audience, as with The...
Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin

1 review

I really enjoyed this book. It wasn't what I was expecting after reading the summary, but what I got was definitely worth the surprise. The only truly disappointing thing about it was that it wasn't a standalone novel, however the disappointment is more that it ruined my reading...
Sabriel by Garth Nix

1 review

This book is a great start to a great series. The world is fascinating and the magic is interesting, and with great characters and an important goal to reach this book The Abhorsen is an interesting character, and it was great seeing Sabriel learn how to truly become one...
Lirael by Garth Nix

1 review

I enjoyed the magic system and the world itself, both being well built and easy enough to understand despite the amount of names and terms needed to explain it all. I wish the seven bells were easier to remember, as having to go back to the page that describes them all is...
Mad Miss Mimic by Sarah Henstra

1 review

I was worried I wouldn't be able to provide a proper review for this book because I had Henstra as a professor in university for a Gothic horror class; I didn't want to be too critical or too easy on her but it looks like I didn't need to worry since she clearly knows her stuff...
Elantris by Brandon Sanderson

1 review

I really enjoyed this book. I was intrigued from the beginning even though I wasn't going to give it my current rating back when I started it. It wasn't what I thought it would be, but the mystery behind the city of Elantris kept me coming back even if the characters' plights...
Pet Sematary

9 reviews

Pet Sematary was one the first books I read by King, and overall I enjoyed it - it kept me engaged and I felt invested in the characters. The book leaves you hanging, wanting more, making it a book you are never able to put down, often reading well past dark, with the lights on...
Exsanguinate - A Vampire Urban Fantasy Series (World of Blood Book 1) (Kindle Edition)

1 review

Warning: This is a book that I sacrificed sleep to stay up reading. As a mom of four children, including a nursing infant, "stayed up all night reading because I couldn't put it down" is the highest rating I can give a book. If you also have an addiction to well-written...
Fifty Shades of Grey Series

2 reviews

I heard all the hype about these books so I thought I’d give them a try but I wasn’t impressed. There wasn’t too much of a plot and didn’t keep me engaged or interested. I’m glad I didn’t buy the whole trilogy because I barely made it halfway through the first book...
The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking by Chris J. Anderson

1 review

I don't like public speaking. It get really, really nervous anytime I need to make a presentation, run a meeting, or basically stand up in front of people and have all eyes on me. So I wasn't sure what I would get out of this book, but I figured if I'm going to get advice on...
In Memory of Bread: A Memoir by Paul Graham

1 review

When somebody gave me this book, and told me it was a book about how a middle-aged man had to give up bread, I thought they were joking. Don't get me wrong, I would be devastated if I was told I had developed a deadly allergy to wheat and gluten. I live on bread. I eat bread all...