Misc Reviews

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441-443 of 443

Raid earth blends multi bug killer

1 review

I bought this to get rid of gnats and two days ago,ants. It was recommended at the London Drugs, my bad.. should of called a home depot type store, but.. this salesman had used it. Okay...... don't use it if you are allergic to flowers, and love your pets as it is made with...

2 reviews

Oh Rob Zombie...why? This movie looked like it was going to be great and spooky, but it wasnt good, at all really. Just didn't keep my attention. Rob Zombie can do better
Mainstays Rechargeable Solar Batteries

1 review

I bought these batteries to go with my solar lights that I had also bought from Walmart. These batteries were on the pricier side. As for last power, they are horrible! They lasted in my lights for about 1.5 months before burning out. That's absolutely ridiculous...