Feminine Hygiene - Pads Reviews

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mayim pads

1 review

Something unusual happened to me this month, I got my period right in the middle of the afternoon while I was out shopping! I know some of you are shaking your heads saying "thats not unusual" but for me it is, I normally get my period either first thing in the morning when I...
Hannah Pads

2 reviews

I love Hannah pads. They are well made, come in a variety of cute fabrics, are reasonably priced and they wash very well. They do not feel bulky when worn, even the heavy absorbency ones are not uncomfortable to wear. I like how these fold up neatly into little squares which is...
Always Pads

11 reviews

I have used different brands and I absolutely love how this feels as I am always on the go and it does not move around as I love to use the pads with wings. At no time do I feel uncomfortable
U by Kotex no wings

1 review

Finally a pad with NO wings!!!!! I can Not use Tampons and I Hate wings on pads, just stick to your leg, less on panties and gets all bunched up literally feels like wearing a diaper Lol. U by Kotex is better than any Pad companies i had ever tried since I can not use Tampons...
U by Kotex Overnight Security

3 reviews

You can rest easy with the u by kotex overnight pad... This pad stays in place - doesn't bunch - and is by far the most absorbent pad i've used. I had gotten a really good deal on these on sale and they offered an additional coupon so for 2.00 i was going to try them. My flow...
Thinx Period Underwear

3 reviews

Yes, the product is a bit expensive but the money goes to a great cause. The product works! I have never had leaks or problems, I also didn't find it gross rinsing after use. Really good purchase.
Stayfree Regular With Wings

7 reviews

i use the regular pads on those not so heavy days. it offers me protection and i feel comfortable for the day. it's good packaging, price is affordable especially when it's on sale.
Compliments Ultra Thin Overnight Maxipads with Flexi-wings

2 reviews

These work great and I haven't had my clothes ruined while using them. I love that they are so cheap that I can stock up! Also comfortable and not noticeable
Always Ultra Pads Extra Heavy Overnight with Flexi-Wings

3 reviews

This is the only towel brand I trust will see me through my periods. Feel comfortable, clean and confident when wearing these Knowing I will wake up in the morning and no accidents
Playtex Sport Ultra Thin Pads

10 reviews

I love the Playtex Sport Pads! They are absorbent and move easily with my body when I am working out or just on the go. Plus they aren't bulky and you hardly notice they are there.
Kotex Overnight Security Ulta Thin

1 review

Excellent - just the product for which I was looking - have tried several other brands but NONE, and I mean NONE can compare to this product. I received a free sample and then went in search of buying a supply immediately after trying for a couple of days. I love the "wings"...
Always Ultra Thin Extra Heavy Overnight with Wings

8 reviews

These work brilliantly for those with a heavy flow or people who move around a lot when they sleep. Can’t feel them at all and are super protective from leaks!
Stayfree Ultra Mince Long avec ailes

1 review

Ce produit me garde au sec, en tout confort. Je peux compter sur Les serviettes STAYFREE qui m'offre une bonne protection contre les fuites. Avec ce produit je me sent en confiance.
Always Radiant Totally Teen

5 reviews

Always teen my daughter likes she says there comfortable And is very colourful packaging but she can’t where them at night she says there soft and thin
Stayfree Ultra Thin Overnight with Wings

26 reviews

These are the ONLY pads I will buy now. They are the only ones that actually keep leaks from happening. I highly recommend, even to someone with a heavy flow.
Equate regular pads

1 review

Ive been looking for pads that can be comfortable, effective, and money saving. Ive finally found them. I used to buy expensive top of the line pads before and was shocked how well the Equate worked.
always incredibly thin (thong)

8 reviews

I bought these once, when thongs were really in style. They are better for when you are wearing a thong, obviously, but they still came apart from said thong and then gave me a bizarre wedgie. I just personally dont see the point, also who is wearing a thong during their period...
Life Brand Ultra Thin Pads

8 reviews

I used to use Equate pads, but they started using a plastic - like top layer on theirs that caused extreme irritation. I can't use Always for the same reason. These Life brand used to be okay - but they have changed too - they now use the same material. They absorb well and as...
Kotex U 3D Core

5 reviews

I absolutely love Kotex U products. They provide comfort and security and assurance that there will be no "slip ups"! LOVE LOVE LOVE and recommend to everyone who complains about leakage, accidents or that their current brands are uncomfortable!
Lotus Feminine reusable sanitary napkins - Omaiki

2 reviews

Pour moi c'est important de respecter l'environnement et les serviettes Lotus le font ! Dans l'optique 0 déchet , ces serviettes vous protègent des fuites et s'adaptent à votre flux menstruel. Elles sont faciles à laver et très confortable !