Books Reviews

Curling up with a good book is a favourite year-round pursuit: in front of a blazing fire in January, in the park under a warm May sun, in a hammock lake-side in July or with coffee on the back porch overlooking brilliant fall foliage.

ChickAdvisor members love light reads like the wildly popular Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella or the more introspective romances of Emily GiffinHe's Not That Into You gives us food for thought, and Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series is a guilty little pleasure.

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441-460 of 1145

Secret Restaurant Recipes From the World's Top Kosher Restaurant

1 review

This book is simply GORGEOUS. The bright photography, easy to follow recipes, extra info and tidbits, elegant layout,...are just perfect for cooking up that special dinner or curling up on the couch with. I love the way the book portrays different restaurants, whisking us away...
Something Sweet: Desserts, Baked Goods, and Treats for Every Occasion

1 review

One of the most gorgeous well laid out cookbook I've ever received...the pictures are beautiful,can't wait to try them all out!! A MUST buy!!
Missing you

1 review

This book was great from Harlen Coben. He is one of my favourite mystery writer

5 reviews

What an adorable bear who is just so curious about life. Sweet characters that are enjoyable for kids and adults alike. My kids thought that he was just so cute and huggable.
The Old Man and The Sea

2 reviews

I first read this back in high school for an English assignment, This book was so intense ,the battle between the old man and the Marlin,the rough seas threatening the old man's life ,a very well written book
Vogue magazine

3 reviews

These magazines are great if you just want to waste some time, the magazine is aesthetically organized, although I find that the advertisements and pictures overwhelm the whole aspect of the magazine: the articles. Although, there's still a bunch of great stuff in the magazine...
3 fois par jours

4 reviews

J’aime que les recettes soient facile à suivre. Ça aide à être en confiance pour se préparer de bons plats maison au lieu des repas pour emporter. Merci Marilou et 3x par jour.
Everything I Never Told You, by Celeste Ng

2 reviews

This is the story of a Chinese-American family losing their 15-year-old daughter/sister. It's also a story about racism, and a story about a mixed family trying to fit into a community and, sadly of all.... a family who fails to communicate with each other. It's well-written and...
Frog and Toad Together

6 reviews

Used to read this with my youngest daughter. Brings back great memories just seeing the cover.
Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures: Stories

1 review

Really loved this book, especially being a health sci kid, really gives you a very intimate and inside look into the brains of medical professionals. I never realized how the profession would have such a strong mental impact on doctors/surgeons. A wonderful and chilling novel.
Humans of New York

2 reviews

A really lovely concept. Great at uniting people and allowing for compassion and kindness. Really interesting to learn about different aspects of people's lives.
The Walking Dead Comic Series

3 reviews

The Walking Dead graphic novels are just that, GRAPHIC! They are amazing, I actually prefer the story line in them, than the tv show. They are just more, well graphic, and very intense. Also the artwork is really cool.
The Last Heiress by Bertrice Small

1 review

Title: The Last Heiress Author: Bertrice Small Genre: Historical Romance Format: paperback Published: 2005 Rating: 3/5 Elizabeth Meredith, the youngest daughter of Rosamund Bolton, is nothing like her sensible sisters. Impatient with fancy manners and careful speech, the young...

2 reviews

I found this book very interesting. It really helps shed some light on how he got To be this amazing guitar artist. Gives you insight on how being a rockstar really is.
Liz An Intimate Biography

2 reviews

If you are a true fan like I am you will love to read this biography that has so much information about her.It hsa some pictures and goes into her marriages etc, a true must read. I'm so lucky and happy to have this hard copy book.
The Storm Murders

1 review

It is a very cold and stormy night when the murder of four indiviuals take place. Detective Cinq Mars is pulled out of retirement to work secretly on solving this case. Can he figure out the who and why before another storm hits? The Storm Murders is a novel that kept me up...
Faithful Place

1 review

Faithful Place (The Dublin Murder Squad #3) by Tana French is ostensibly a murder mystery, but it is also thoughtful psychological profile of a detective heavily involved in case involving his first love. Franky comes from a wildly dysfunctional family and escapes by becoming a...
Black Beauty

8 reviews

I really got upset at this book when I was younger. Even though this is supposed to be a children's classic, it deals with pretty heavy themes early on, such as death. But the overall story is pretty great, Black Beauty's journey is certainly an amazing one.
Seriously...I'm Kidding by Ellen Degeneres

5 reviews

This is such a great buy! Can find it on amazon for under $15. Filled with nothing but Ellen greatness. Will have you laughing, learning and so much more!
Gone With the Wind (1936)

5 reviews

One of the best stories ever written. The book is so much more detailed than the movie. I love everything southern so this story makes me very happy. Scarlett and Rhett may be the best characters in literature. I look forward to seeing the movie every year.