Books Reviews

Curling up with a good book is a favourite year-round pursuit: in front of a blazing fire in January, in the park under a warm May sun, in a hammock lake-side in July or with coffee on the back porch overlooking brilliant fall foliage.

ChickAdvisor members love light reads like the wildly popular Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella or the more introspective romances of Emily GiffinHe's Not That Into You gives us food for thought, and Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series is a guilty little pleasure.

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541-560 of 1145

The Art of Bleach - Tite Kubo

1 review

This Artbook for popular anime series Bleach is a must have for fans of Tite Kubo's unique style, anime and manga art, or the series of Bleach itself. It's a paperback with a soft dust jacket that opens onto lavishly thick pages covered with beautiful full colour illustrations...
Dear John

3 reviews

This is a light and easy read that you'll get through in no time! It's a great love story romantically and through family relationships. Don't be discouraged if you've seen the lack luster movie, the novel is much more captivating!
The Classic Mother Goose

2 reviews

I grew up reading Mother Goose and loved the tales. It's such a rare treasure to have this book. I still read from it today at my age. It's 1 of my favorites.
The Adventures Of The Bailey School Kids Book Series

2 reviews

The adventures of the Bailey school kids are awesome books. I read them as a teen and I got all 50 Nd I also got the specials ones. The recent years whsn i was trying to collect them they was hard to find. Great books. Great story. I keep then all for my kids to read.
The Boxcar Children

2 reviews

I began reading these books as a kid - I have always enjoyed reading and these novels kept me in love with reading - I still have all these from when I was a kid and would love to pass them on so another child can fall in love with reading!

1 review

Librarything is a book review website. You sign up and then check out the giveaways...When you are chosen for a book - they will notify you and send it in the mail - and they pay shipping! The more books you review, the better the odds of receiving more! I have been a member...

1 review

NetGalley is a book review website. You sign up, select books and then can be chosen to review a book. The more books you review, the more you will get. Sometimes you will even get 'auto approval' for a certain publisher, and then automatically can get one of their books. The...
Wide Sargasso Sea

1 review

Bought it at my local Chapters. I was intrigued by the cover actually a blue stylized wavy front page with the title strewn across in large font. The blurb on the back explains that it is actually a sort of prequel to Jane Eyre, the colonial masterpiece. So i bought it. And I...
There Was An old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly by Simms Taback

4 reviews

I LOVED this book as a kid! We owned it, but my teacher also had it at school, so she would read it to us and we would all say the words back. Just loved it
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up

3 reviews

The biggest problem people have with this book is that they take everything too literally. There have been many suggestions Kondo has made that I wouldn't do, like thank my clothes, but I still understand the reasoning behind it, like respecting yourself by taking care of your...
Thriftbooks is Fantastic!

1 review

If you are ever looking for a online used bookstore, look no further than Thriftbooks ( I have been using them for some time now, they have a HUGE variety of books and the prices are amazing. The customer service is fantastic and the shipping is...
BioShock: Rapture

1 review

If you've played Bioshock and your favourite part were the audio diaries, you're going to enjoy this book. Find out even more about your favourite characters, their motivations and how and why they ended up in Rapture. The writing isn't the best I've ever read, but good enough...
I'm not a serial killer

1 review

Its an amaizing book! Its also a trilogy I'm not a serial killer, Mr. Monster and the last one I'm not going to kill you so if you like young thriller books this one is for you the main character's name is John Wayne like the serial killer and this kids is a sociopath so you...
Watch You Bleed

1 review

This is the saga of the rock group Guns N Roses written by Stephen Davis containing photos of the group. Very interesting I found.
The Clockwork Scarab: A Stoker & Holmes Novel (#1) by Colleen Gleason

1 review

This was just as disappointing as I expected it to be. I gave it a chance because I expected to be at least interested in the disappearance of young girls, but it was more about two stubborn girls who tried to be more than they were and somehow succeeded. From the very first...
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen

1 review

I tried hard to have patience for this novel, but in the end once I stopped putting effort into reading it I found it hard to get back to it. I had hoped to enjoy the satire but it fell flat for me so all that was left was the ever so polite dialogue and the final point where...
Horror Story and Other Horror Stories by Robert Boyczuk

1 review

I was disappointed with the stories I read in this collection. There were some stories that were good, some that had potential, and others that were either boring or confusing. Confusion was something I felt often when reading some of these stories, and I feel like it may have...
Madame Serpent: A Catherine de' Medici Novel by Jean Plaidy

1 review

This book had a terrible start and an annoying plot, making me wish it was over when I first began reading it. I have no intention on finishing the series, and though I won't find out about the revenge taken on Diane, I won't consider it much of a loss regardless of my...
Catacomb (#3) by Madeleine Roux

1 review

What a mood change. This book didn't fit with the general feel of the previous two books of the series even though it still had some spook factor and it felt so out of place. There was also a lot that was confusing and felt poorly constructed, explained, and tied up. Even less...
The White Forest by Adam McOmber

1 review

I wish this book was well written because I may have enjoyed it more. The story could've been interesting enough, when it wasn't confusing and annoying, and the setting was well established in the very beginning, but there was way too much information released at once and it...