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Mohair Beauty Reviews - Vancouver
    Address: 299 Columbia Street
    Vancouver, British Columbia VA62R5
    Phone: 6046624451

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    August 11, 2012

    Hello Everyone!

    I would like to say I am a very grateful mother. I am so glad that I have come across Mohair Beauty.
    My daughter has been diagnosed with Trichtillomania since she was 9 years old. She is almost 21 today and still not over the fact that she pulls her hair. It has been a rocky road to find a solution to get her to stop pulling.
    I've spent thousands on psychiatrists, hypnosis, fake nails ( to make it harder to pull ), consultations with
    councillors... The most I've spent money on her wigs and extensions to cover up her bald spots. To be honest
    till this very day I didn't understand why she had always pulled her hair and I always used to nag her about stopping the habit, not knowing that I was only making this situation worse. At her first stages on losing hair by pulling them out, I got her clip-in extensions. When those no longer worked we moved onto weaves and after we had to resort to wigs as a result of her pulling all her hair out. It really hurt me to see her go through this because she was raelly upset all the time.

    Never went out with her friends... I just had that vibe that she was un-happy and really wanted to stop. So finally I did my research and spent hours on youtube, and came along this video here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN1FlkbgnyE&feature=relmfu
    I recommend anyone curious about this to watch this. I teared up a lot watching this not knowing the exact feelings my daughter has gone through. And since I lived in Vancouver B.C, it was really hard for me to reach out for that salon in the U.K to help her out? So I finally went and visited multiple salons without my daughter knowing about it ( since she was so shy to tell people she had trich). No place seemed like it would be suitable for what I was looking for. I finally came across Mohair Beauty, and BINGO! I was so happy so find this little cute salon with the great girls working there.
    It seemed like this was the choice, So I told them about my daughters issues and how she is shy and they told me not to worry and to just bring her in. Wanting my daughters life to take a turn for the better I took her into Mohair Salon as a surprise. At first she was really uncomfortable, but as soon as she met the girls and communicated with them she totally opened up to all her issues ( even the ones I wasn't aware of, being her mom). Not only did she open up, but she got a custom hair pieces made which was sewed on to her head with the hair she had left, kind of like a weave.
    With this she hasn't been able to pull her own hair for 6 months and I have seen drastic growth in her hair since. She's been more confident with herself, I've noticed happier and more involved with events with family and friends. It has cost me much less money ( not that it matter, I would've paid any price to see my daughter happy again ) Not one doctor could look at my daughters eyes and tell her what exactly was wrong with her. But here at Mohair, instead of figuring that out they have prevented her to reach her out head to pull which has lessened her desire to pull more. This was a remarkable moment for the both of us and we could not be any more happy with what we have been offered by Mohair Beauty. Great Service, Attitude, Ambition and hair. Simple as that.

    I would like to fully recommend Mohair Salon for fully putting a fairytale twist into my daughters life.
    Thank you so much, I could never be so grateful.

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    July 29, 2012

    Ah, where should I start about Mohair Beauty.

    I'll start off with a little bit of self-bio. I have an OCD called TRICHTILLOMANIA. ( Trichotillomania (also known as "trichotillosis") which is classified as an impulse control disorder by DSM-IV, is the compulsive urge to pull out one's own hair leading to noticeable hair loss, distress, and social or functional impairment, and in some cases one may even consume the hair. It is often chronic and difficult to treat.[1] )
    I've suffered from this for 11 years. I am totally BALD. Just my hairlines are left behind. Since this has caused insecurities for me, I have for years resorted to Weaves, wigs, extensions to cover up my bald spots.

    Over the years, I've spent a bit over 10,000$ on weaves and extensions. I've done it all. Full head weaves, tracks, microlinks.... And everything was so costly and was REALLY obvious that I had extenions in, espcially at the top of my head. You could totally TELL that was not my hair. Whenever I sat down and people stood over top me, I just wanted to get up and move away and I didnt want them seeing the top of my head. I was always so uncomfortable and my hair always got tangled like extenions do. I had to brush it out every hour to make sure it didn't look like a cat coughed up a hair ball ontop of my head ( LITERALLY). Not only did the hair suck and the extensions look totally HORRID, the prices were un-believable. I spent 300$ every visit to get the whole head weave put back onto my head. This was every three months. That calculates to 1200 every months, plus buying hair every 6 months which costed about 200 each time. That makes it 1600$ A YEAR, for a total of my hair looking fake and dry. The braids were also done super thick, which made my head look so bulky. Yeah I understand you can go out and buy super expensive hair but you will never KNOW what happened to it, it could not even be real virgin hair! And I learnt this the hard way buy spending a lot of $ on it and seeing that it was poor qaulity as to what I got a Mohair salon. Everyone used to ask me if i had exntesions, a lot of people used to point at the little circular part in the midle ( ill include a picture to show you what i mean) and ask me " whats that? ". When people used to pat me on the headm they would stop and think about what they just felt or some would just say, "WOAH LAY OFF THE HAIR SPRAY!" I was stuck with two hair styles. Keeping it down, or a side pony tail. IT got so boring having the same style for 4 years. Thank god it is over. I will never go back to this every again. Not only was it a night mare, it was also a huge waste of money.

    As soon as I got sick of throwing my money away I found Mohair. Mohair has provided me not only with self confidence but they have also made LIFE easier for me, and more affordable.
    I feel and look better, I'm not as depressed and worried as I used to be. From Mohair Beauty ive gotten their free flow cap extensions. ( they are sculpted to fit your own head size ) My head now looks like it has a natural part, LITERALLY, even I can't tell that my hair is fake. ITS A DREAM COME TRUE! This is also MUCH CHEAPER ( surpriningly because it looks more expensive ;] ) than everything else I used to settle for. I am saving 1,000$ a year. Every hair on this cap it put in strand by strand which allows me to part my hair line from anywhere I want. ( YAAAAAY !! ) This isn't all of it, you also get a free STYLE with every visit, Free haircut and colour with your first extension set. I am so grateful to have found Mohair Beauty. I can now go swimming, walk in wind withouth worrying about my hair flying off. This isnt the end of it. The staff at Mohair Beauty makes you feel really good about yourself. They are located SUPER close to waterfront station. only a 6 minute walk down west cordave street and you will be there ! They are really poilte, and considering of what you REALLY want. I love the staff, you can relate to them all somehow and not worry about being afraid to tell them why you need extensions. There are always willing to take that little bit of extra time to make sure that you are satified at the end of the day. They use fine russian virgin hair and it comes it pony tails literally cut off the persons head, as is. With this peice, no one has looked at my head and re thought about what was there. I get nothing but compliment. I can peacefully sit down on transit and not care if someone is hovering over top me anymore. When people pat me on the head, they dont notice anything because of how REAL the hair feels. Not once have i been asked, " are you wearing exnteions?" or gotten that weird " is your hair fake?" look. My family also loves it, im leaving less hair on the brush for my sister to clean out. This piece barley sheds hair! Its secured in pretty tight. Also she likes the it looks natural and the fact that I can do more than one hair style now just as much as I do. You can't go wrong, I've boughten high end hair and this was the best out of all of them. I will never go back to anything else. Mohair is the only supplier of this type of hair, also another place in california from what I hear but that's about it. I can not comes to terms with how greatful I am.

    I will include pictures of before ( ew ) and now ( YES! ) for you guys to see for yourselves, and I encourage you to call Mohair Beauty and check it out for yourself! You won't regret it :)


    Updated On: July 29, 2012


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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    July 27, 2012

    I don't have enough good things to say about Mohair Beauty. From the time I began going here in December of 2010 I have had a totally positive experience. I initially came to Mohair because I had experienced quite a bit of hair loss due to Celiac Disease and Thyroid disease and I really wanted extensions to regain my length and fullness. The team at Mohair have no only ensured that my real hair has not been damaged, but they have taken steps to make sure that my real hair was consistently protected and had the chance to grow faster than it would had I not had the extensions in.

    The level of quality and service that I have received from Mohair has been over-the-top. They care about every single one of their clients and always go above and beyond to make sure every client is happy. They only sell high-quality hair and employ staff that are knowledgable and considerate. I have never had a bad experience at Mohair and regularity recommend them to people because I know that they will perform with the highest quality.

    Aside from the outstanding service, their quality of product is unparalleled. Once time when getting my hair styled for an event by someone who regularity does celebrities hair in New York, they made them comment to me that my hair extensions were some of the best he had ever seen and that even celebrity extensions often times don't look that good!

    I can not say enough positive things about Mohair Beauty — their service, quality of product, and prices are absolutely the best you can get!

    Here is a pic of my hair with and without extensions

    — Grace Helfrich

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    July 21, 2012

    My name is Madison Opp, I live in Vancouver and I have been going to Mohair for almost 2 years, and I can honestly say I have no plans on switching over to any other salon. I have never felt more confident in my hair than I do now. Being mixed (Caucasian/African American) I always wanted the long flowing hair, but like most women like me that I know, it's almost impossible. I tried the whole clip-in hair extensions trend, and it really just wasn't for me. I wanted to have the long flowing hair ALL the time, not just on a Saturday night or for a family vacation. You could ask anyone I know, friends/family, and they'll all tell you the same thing,that as I was growing up the one thing I always wanted was the perfect long hair something similar as to what Beyonce had, and I never really thought it would be possible till now. I am always getting compliments on how "nice my hair is", and "It's getting so long". When I do tell certain people that I have extensions the reaction I get is nothing but complete shock! Telling people my experience with Mohair always strikes up a lot of interest and curiosity, and I am always nothing but willing to tell them all about it. From questions like if it hurts? or what do you do when its itchy? To even letting them feel the tracks to get an idea of what it's like....I know it may sound crazy, but people are curious! The ladies at Mohair know their stuff, and are always there to answer any questions and make you feel comfortable no matter what. They will have me as a life long customer, especially with the quality of the hair, the service and the feedback that I get!

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    Recommended? You Betcha!
    July 20, 2012

    My name is Sarah Ritchie and I live in Vancouver BC. My hair has always been thinner than I would have liked it to be. I always wished i had long gorgeous, full, big bodied hair but unfortunately I inherited my family's thin stringy and straight hair.  Then suddenly when i was 17 a few round bald patches appeared on my scalp. I was diagnosed with having Alopecia  Areta. AA is an auto-immune disorder that cause the immune system to attack itself. There is currently no cure available. I tried several different treatments including creams, very painful cortisone injections directly into the scalp, and eventually a very strong and dangerous steroid called Prednizone which has a lot of long term side effects and causes extreme weight gain in the face. Not an easy thing to have to go through at any age let only being a 17 year old girl in her grad year of high school. I couldn't face my friends or even bare to look in the mirror and my self esteem was completely destroyed. I lost about 65% of my hair. I am 32 years old now and over the years I have learned to accept this condition with a grain of salt but have always been hoping and searching for a solution and ways to hide it that were comfortable and that didn't look unnatural or fake. Good quality hair is very hard to find, people will try and sell you anything. It can be quite expensive and it's really hard to find a company that is capable of doing the installments in a way that is both natural looking and comfortable to wear. It can be embarrassing going to regular salons where other people end up staring at you and the staff doesn't have the proper experience needed to deal with this type of condition. I had pretty much gave up any hope of finding any solutions that would fit all of this criteria. 
    That is...until I heard about a company in Vancouver called MOHAIR. I heard about them about a 2 years ago. This place is just simply amazing! Not only are they extremely knowledgable when it comes to different types and all conditions of hair loss, but they are also very sensitive, empathetic, friendly and discreet. They have gone way above and beyond to work with my specific wants and needs and I would recommend them to absolutely anybody who for whatever reason would like to have a different head of hair than the one that they have now.  MOHAIR is in a word-incredible!!! They have the complete resources and ability to help anybody in absolutely any situation. They really go the extra mile to make sure that you are completely 100% satisfied with the outcome. I have spent hundreds of dollars on hair in the past and ended up completely wasting my money and just doing more damage to my actual hair in the long run because of bad quality hair and bad quality installments. Mohair 100% guarantees not only the quality of the hair but also offers a 2week free follow up to make sure that you are completely happy with the work they've done for you. I am so very grateful to have found out about Mohair and I can honestly say that I now finally have the hair that i have always wanted and I also have a very special and fantastic team of people who are there to help keep me beautiful. My self esteem is so much better today because of Mohair.  My husband and friends and family are so impressed with not only the way I look but how happy I am now.  My mom says that she has her happy little girl back and I really do finally feel like myself again and an even better version at that!  I want absolutely everybody to know about Mohair because it can be so depressing to have to live with something that you don't like about yourself, it effects every aspect in your life and it is no way to live. This is why I am posting this on the internet, so that the world can see that there are real and wonderful options available for anyone and everyone who wants or needs different hair than what they are currently stuck with. Mohair works with both male and female clients, and there is no situation or condition that they haven't already worked with and can find ways to solve and make you feel and look beautiful again. Even if I didn't have alopecia, I would still continue to go to Mohair because I have never, ever been as happy with my hair as i am now-even before I was diagnosed with this condition! Mohair has been able to finally give me the hair and the  confidence that I have always wanted and I could not ask for anything more. BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU TO MOHAIR!! They have given me my life back :) 

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